Episode Zero: World of Blade

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Akira leaned against the wall of the garage, his gaze fixated on his phone as he wore a smile. On the device's screen was an image of his college girlfriend, Sayoko, and him standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was a remote location some distance from the city that not many people knew about, so it was special for the two of them.

Just as Akira was about to flip the phone closed he received a text from Karasuma, the President of BOARD. It was a heads-up for Akira to look lively, because the new recruit was heading to the garage to meet him. This caused Akira to sigh and close the phone regardless. A while back he had defeated the Beetle Undead which led to the creation of the Rider System-02 and the recruitment of another Rider.

The door opened and in walked a young man. A young man that had long, brown hair and wore a white shirt with a blue BOARD jacket over it, and a necklace around his neck. Another thing Akira noticed, though, was that he was young. Far younger than he had expected, probably around the age of eighteen or nineteen.

Tachibana: "So you're Blade, huh? The name's Tachibana. I'm Garren. From today forward, let's do our best." 

Tachibana walked toward the new recruit and extended his hand as a friendly greeting to what was meant to be his new partner. A handshake that Keisuke accepted happily.

Kenzaki: "Right! Of course!"

(Author's Note: This had been a project for a while, and I had wanted to finish it all in one go and publish every chapter at once, but while working on it the person I get help from had told me it might be better to do it once a week. I only hope I could keep my word on that. Other than that, take care and I hope this can at least be entertaining.)

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