Episode 5: Wolves and Deer

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Three bodies lay dead on the floor with the Deer Undead standing over them. Its eyes hollow as it slowly began to stalk away from its victims, only stopping when the hum of a motorcycle was approaching. It spun around just in time for Garren's Red Rhombus to fly through the air and strike it.

The Undead stumbled about as Garren pivoted and rammed the motorcycle into it repeatedly. Only stopping when the Deer Undead charged lightning from its antlers and shot it at Garren's vehicle. The Red Rhombus skidded to a halt as the Rider leaped from his ride, charging toward the Undead with his Garren Rouzer drawn.

Karasuma: "The Undead came about ten thousand years ago, maybe even more, just when life was first being formed on the planet. All fifty-three had started a war with one another to determine which species would be the most prominent on the Earth,"

Garren ducked under a swing from one of the Deer's swords, stepping out of the range of the other one as he raised his gun and blasted the Undead in the chest. The Undead pushed past the gunshot, trying to slash at the Rider again only for Garren to maneuver under the blades and kick him in the side. 

Karasuma: "In the end, when the fighting was finally over, the Undead were all sealed away in cards. The winner was the Human Undead, making them the most prominent life on the planet."

Kotaro: "So this is the true origin of Humanity?"

Ruby: "You mean to say that there was a Human who was related to that plant?

Karasuma: "However... The seals keeping the other fifty-two Undead were broken. Just about three years ago, causing the death of a lot of our greatest researchers at the time. Now, the Undead have begun this war again, all trying to fight for their own species."

The Garren Rouzer opened just as Garren weaved under the blade once again, allowing him to pull out the Upper Frog card.

Garren Rouzer: "Upper"
(5500 --> 4900)

The blue glow of the card wrapped around Garren's fist as he slammed it into the Undead, causing it to fly across the bridge, landing with such force that it caused the ground to crack under the Undead.

Karasuma: "Fortunately, just before the Undead were unsealed, the group of researchers had developed a contingency plan. They had developed the Rider System that Tachibana and Kenzaki..."

Garren flipped open the deck from the Rouzer once again while the Deer Undead attempted to recover from the earlier blow. Picking out Rapid Pecker card, he slid it at the top of the gun and threw the card into the air.

Garren Rouzer: "Rapid"
(4900 --> 4100)

Karasuma: "My only wish is that you continue to fight and seal the Undeads."

Kotaro: "So that's why the Undead turn into cards when Kenzaki defeats them... That's one mystery solved!"

Hirose: "Shut up for a moment! Chief, how were the Undead unsealed? What happened?"

Karasuma: "It was... a series of unfortunate accidents. It was all my fault, though. I take full responsibility for what had happened... We had trusted the wrong people, and because of that, Ms. Ro—"

The Deer Undead had figured that fighting Garren at this point wouldn't end favorable for it. So, it turned to leave, leaping into the air and off the bridge as Garren blasted a number of rounds into it. The injuries didn't seem to stop it though as it lept from building to building, escaping into the woods below.


Kotaro: "It's a miracle that you managed to get this thing running again." Kotaro remarked as he stepped out from the passenger side of the jeep.

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