Episode 1: The Indigo Warrior

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Keisuke Kenzaki shifted his Blue Spader into first gear as he pulled up to the front gate of the BOARD campus, waiting for the gates to open before kicking back into gear and riding up the road to the massive structure.

Once he was parked at the front, he kicked the stand down and raced inside. BOARD had a number of measures to ensure the safety of their most confidential area. The first was to have Kenzaki scan his flip phone on a plant near the stairs, then as he climbs the stairs he makes sure to place a hand on one of the rails for it to scan his print. Finally, there was a double door with two pictures off to the side. The left picture hid a scanner that would scan the person's eye, and when all these measures were completed, the door opened for Kenzaki.

Kenzaki walked through the labs, his curiosity getting the better of him as he glanced into the occasional room. There was a number of experiments going on from animal testing to thermography, nothing he really understood, but it was always impressive for him.

Just as Kenzaki was about to open the door to Kurasuma's office, he noticed several voices already coming from inside. Karasuma, Tachibana, and Hirose. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, knowing that he was far later than he wanted.

Tachibana: "That's the third Undead in these two months."

Hirose: "They're becoming more active... Just why are those monsters—?"

Karasuma: "Just focus on sealing away the Undead. We'll look into the 'why' on our end."

Kenzaki figured this would be his chance into entering the room, to join the conversation, but his senior had started talking again.

Tachibana: "You'll look into it, huh? We know that the Rouse Card Systems work against those monsters, but..."

Karasuma: "What is it, Tachibana? Do you have something you want to say?"

Tachibana: "You were rushing Kenzaki to come help me..." Tachibana glanced over his shoulder to Kenzaki, which caused him to freeze in place and bow.

Tachibana: "Do you have so little faith in my strength?"

An awkward silence filled the room as Kenzaki looked away. Their most recent excursion had led Tachibana to the shore of one end of Japan, to a cave where the Bat Undead resided. The fight wasn't going in Tachibana's favor, however, so Karasuma sent Kenzaki to help assist. A move where Kenzaki didn't agree with, since the Bat Undead easily dispatched of him while Tachibana was the one to finish it.

Karasuma: "No, I trust you. I just have to consider every possibility, no matter how unlikely it is."

Tachibana glared at the President of BOARD before starting toward the door. Kenzaki was quick to notice and moved to follow behind his senior.

Kenzaki: "B-But you were awesome as always, Tachibana-san! You're really leagues above—"

Tachibana: "Can I ask you something?" Tachibana stopped and looked down to the floor. It had been close to a year since Kenzaki was recruited, and while he thought of Kenzaki like he was a younger brother, that also made it so Tachibana didn't want BOARD to take advantage of him.

Kenzaki: "Yes."

Tachibana: "Why do you fight? Why did you become a Rider?" Tachibana turned around to face Kenzaki so that he could look Kenzaki in the eyes, something that caused Kenzaki to look away.

Kenzaki: "Well... If I had to say... The whole saving the Earth, protecting humanity... Heh, just kidding...?"

Tachibana rolled his eyes and continued his way out of the room, disappointed by Kenzaki's answer, but it also cemented Tachibana's thoughts on BOARD.

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