Chapter 3 | Brook's cocktail party

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He nods and smiles brightly. Soon turning his head and teasing Shanks about his rejection to the invite. In response Shanks grabs his nose and twists it. Mihawk ending the brawl by hitting them both over the head and explaining that he didn't want to be kicked out because of them. I sit quietly stifling a laugh at the sight of them all.


Luffy and Shanks ended up having far too much to drink, and when I tried to put Luffy in Mihawk's car and begged to come back home with me. Mihawk shrugged and left it up to me.

So here I am, in the spare bedroom of my modern apartment. Trapped under the weight of a drunk babbling raven haired man.

"Luffy- come on it's midnight we have a big night ahead of us"

He whines and rolls off me, to this opportunity I quickly jump up and dust myself off. The lingering scent of him glued to my clothes.

"Goodnight Luf"


"Yeah, I don't know.. just a little nickname"

"I like it"

I smile to myself as he rolls to face his back towards me, not long after I hear soft snores. Affirming that he'd finally fell asleep after hours of him eating my food, talking endlessly, chasing me around and laying on top of me.

I plonk down on my bed, almost immediately falling into a deep slumber.

| the next morning |

I had already been up for a couple hours, while Luffy was asleep still im assuming. It was around 10:30am, but I didn't have much planned for today.

Once Luffy woke up, and ate of course, we sat down on the couch and watched movies in the dark for half our day. Just us, sitting down. Luffy slightly hungover still but food perks him up. Watching horror movies, having Luffy punch my arm or cling to me when he's scared or a jump scare surprises him. With each passing comedy movie that same echoing laugh fills the room. Contagiously catching onto me. Our childish little giggles never ending. With each romance movie the air intensified and I could feel Luffy beside me fiddling with his fingers or looking around the suddenly interesting environment. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his awkwardness.

I checked my phone after being off of it all day. It felt good not to answer it or anticipate the entire day about a night that was hours away. It felt good to sit down and snack on the most random things we could find because we were both too comfortable to go out anywhere. It felt good to stay in track pants and a hoodie all day and not have to change to make myself look like less of a mess or a lazy clump of moss. It felt nice to be human, to be me when nobody else was looking. It felt nice to share a day of laziness in the comfort of my own home, with the comfort of another male.


As the time reaches 6pm we finish getting ready and head to the centre of the city where Brooks pad was located. He had many people around already, mostly servants for the night to bring around nibbles. A DJ in front of the porch door leading outside. A beautiful view awaiting to those who dare to step out into the cool city breeze.

We both wore decent clothing, me in a black button up with the two buttons up top undone and black slacks. Luffy wearing tight black jeans and a crimson red button up. The collar spiked up for some odd reason. I don't think he's noticed to be quite honest.
The males of the group all wore a suit or a dress shirt of some colour. Sanji of course in a full suit with the vest and all. The ladies wearing a nice cocktail party dress that hugs their figure.

As I walk in with Luffy, Robin immediately runs up to me introducing herself and kissing my cheek politely as a greeting. Luffy isn't the slightest bit shy towards her, which I love. He'll fit in well.
The rest of the group meet up with him at the beginning of the night and chat with him every time they can. The DJ playing smooth music.

Luffy stuck by my side the entire time, he was very touchy, but only I noticed. It was all subtle and shy touches. Nothing forward.

Brook walks up to us all at one of the standing tables near the bar.

"The executives are leaving very soon guys, then we can get this party started! Yohohoo!"

He pats Usopp's shoulder, straightens up his purple suit jacket and makes his way back over to the business -men in the corner of the room. Watching each and every member in the room carefully. It made even me uncomfortable, and I never care much for a simple stare down. It's petty.

I turn my attention back to the group and sip out of my glass again. Luffy's arm brushes against mine as he waves his hands in the midst of the telling of a crazy story.
I watch as he laughs, gasps, his eyes widening then soften, his smile fading then growing. Seeing all of these different facial expressions all in just minute of telling a story. Hes so energetic all the time, always plastering smiles on himself and those around him. Every time someone spoke he held eye contact with the main story teller unless he had to look away. He was always listening and always looked so interested in everything anyone had to say. The crew seems to love him so far.
I think he will be a good roommate.

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