Chapter 22 | news

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I was right... kids do wake up early at such a young age. I missed my beauty sleep-in. Worst part is I'm due back at work in a week. I've already been holding off on Mihawk. Not that it'd be very busy at this time of year, I still have a lot of paperwork to catch up on and I could use some spare cash.

"Zoro!! Come eat!"

I hear Luffy shout out to me. Rolling over off my back I sit up in bed and scratch my bear stomach.
Luffy cooked? This should be a clean up and a half..

I walk into the kitchen expecting a huge mess. Instead, to my surprise, it was spotless.

"Did you order breakfast in Lu?"

He shakes his head, a force holds onto my leg. Looking down I see Luna smiling up at me and hugging onto my leg.

"Nope! Turns out Lunas a clean freak like you"

"Wha- I'm not a clean freak!" Both Luna and I say at the exact same time. Luffy only giggles and starts digging into breakfast without us both at the table.

"Come on Luna, he'll eat all of it if we don't hurry.."

I mumble and pat her head, she runs off and crawls her way up the chair and sits on her knees so she can just see over the table. I flick the back off Luffy's head as I walk over and sit down.
I begin making Luna a plate of food for her to eat and then myself. By then Luffy had grown a pregnant stomach and a face full of food.

After breakfast I washed the dishes while Luffy took Luna for a shower and to get dressed in her new clothes. I too got dressed and ready for whatever would happen today. God knows with Luffy and his new accomplice.

"When do you go back to work Zoro?"

"Mmm.. in a week"

I find myself sitting on the couch watching a random kids show Luna had picked out. It's just a bunch of dancing fruits, to be honest it's got me zoned out more than the kid.
I feel Luffy staring at me, so I tear my eyes away from the show unwillingly and look at him. Though the look behind his eyes makes my face glow bright red.
I don't think I'll ever get over that look. The look of loving, admiration, longing, affection. Like he looks up to me and would serve me at any moment. Bow to me even.
I feel I'd bow to him. Hes just so eye catching and different. I mean I clean for the man, I rub his back, I wash his hair, I even carry the damn guy around on my back. I never even did these things for my previous relationship.
He's different for sure.

Luffy places a soft kiss on my cheek and smiles. I glance over to Luna who's still entranced in her show with a colouring book in front of her.
I turn back to Luffy and softly peck his lips, returning the smile.
Luffy presses his small forehead against mine.

"I love you Zo" he whispers.

"I love you too..."

Luffy licks my nose, causing me to jump back and immediately start whining and yelling at him. He hurts out laughing which catches Lunas attention. She too starts giggling at our sudden behaviour.
What a way to ruin the moment...

| time skip |

Hours pass of us all messing about or just simply chilling and finding more out about Luna. She's an average kid despite her background. She loves drawing and going to the beach, obsessed with that fruit show too. I think I'm beginning to fall in love with the show.

We hear knocking at the door mid conversation, I leave Luffy with Luna while I go to investigate. When I open up, I see the police at the front door. Theres a bulky tanned male with black hair and shades staring at me, behind him is a shorter female with blonde long locks and pale skin. Her eyes peeking into my apartment.

"Officer, hello. How may I help you?"

"Afternoon, are you Zoro?"

"Yes, I am.. Is there a problem?"

"Is Luffy here?"

Upon hearing his name, Luffy walks up to the door and grabs my finger. He usually does this when he feels uneasy about something.

"Thats me!"

The cops look at Luffy, eye him down and then back to me. Their eyes flicker between both of us as the male speaks.

"We heard Luna May is under your care while her mother is in custody... is she here?"

"Yeah she's watching tv, did you need to speak to her?"

"Not yet... we actually wanted to speak to the both of you first about quite a serious matter"

I glance behind me at Luna entranced in her show once again before leading Luffy out into the hall and closing the door behind us.

"A serious matter?"

Luffy's hold on my finger tightens.

"Yes.. see Lunas mother is going to an institution. Where she can get sober, go through some programs... that kind of stuff. We want you to speak with her, sign some papers and take custody of Luna"

I choke on my own spit. Beside me Luffy only smiles. A small sad smile. Like he knows something. I don't know what to say.

"Of course, does she know?"
Luffy speaks for me.

"Yes she does, she said she'd rather it be you guys than a.. and quote 'ratty old homes'. Shes quite the character that one"

"How is she..?"

Luffy's voice seems sad.

"Shes.. getting there. We're sorry to put you on the spot like this"

"No- it okay. If she wants Luna with us then we'll do whatever she needs us to do. As long as she's safe... right Luffy?"

Luffy looks at me and smiles. Nodding slowly.
The police give us a time for tomorrow and an address, say goodbye and leave us to it.
Luffy and I walk back inside and see Luna on the couch looking at us.

"Was that about mummy?"

Luffy sighs and sits beside her. I sit beside Luffy and rest my hand on his knee.

"We'll be taking care of you for longer than we talked about Luna.."

"It's okay, I like it here... you don't need to explain"

I sigh and stand up after a moment of silence.

"Let's go out for a late lunch! Go to the park maybe, have a picnic. How's that sound?"

Luna smiles and jumps up. "Can we have some chocolate?!"

I pat her head and then hoist her up onto my shoulders.

"Of course you can, come on let's go get ready!"

I pull her down and hold her in my arms, holding her like a plane as she shoots her arms out and makes plane noises. I look back at Luffy on the couch smiling and laughing as we soar through the apartment. I give him a small wink before running off to her bedroom to get her ready.
It'll all be okay. I promise him. And her. I'll make sure of it.


YURR new chapter.... Finally :,) soz guys been busy with some deep shit.
Hope u enjoy! I know I said I'd end this book after one more chapter but it's actually kicked off a lot and I'm so grateful for all the reads and comments you guys give!!!!

Meeting you | Zoro x Luffy | modern worldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ