Chapter 17 | theme park fun

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Chopper and Brook jump around, super excited for the day ahead of them both. Luffy joins in when we reach closer to the hotel. He had been stuck by my side the entire morning basically and I'm sure that'd continue for the whole time at the theme park.


After we had all arrived to the theme park and got our tickets it was close to lunch time. We agreed that by the time we found a nice picnic spot together and set up we'd be ready to eat. There was a nice simple park, with a bbq area. So Sanji claimed, in his idiotic words, 'the best bbq' out of them all and we all sat at the table just in front of it while Luffy hovered around Sanji at the bbq.
I sat beside Robin, as she read a book, and placed the backpack I had on the table in front of me. Nami made me back an extra shirt for Luffy because she knew he'd spill something on himself. Plus our own sunscreen and water and wallets. She hasn't had her kid yet and I already feel sorry for the poor thing. Nami is scary.

"So, when are you gonna ask Luffy out?"

I turn to Robin and cock an eyebrow. I thought she wasn't much of a 'snoopy' type. But apparently she is.

"Ask him out?"

"You're both clearly into each other"

"Yeah, but.."

"But nothing, just ask him out. Take him to dinner tomorrow or something. I'm convinced we'll all be doing nothing tomorrow after tonight"

I nod slowly, then turn around in my chair to look at Luffy gawking over the sizzling food on the bbq. Sanji swatting him away with the spatula like he's a fly. I sit in my seat properly and look at everyone, one by one. Each of them having their own conversations and messing about while they wait for lunch to be served.


I was currently sitting on a bench waiting for Usopp and Kaya to be done on a ride. Sanji sat beside me reading the brochure for this place. Everyone had split off to go wherever they wanted. Luffy, Nami and Chopper went together. Franky, Robin and Brook went to look at the shops.
And us four were on the last ride for the day. It was about 4pm now, we had gone and ate something sweet after lunch. I think we sat and talked for an hour while eating. Then we went for a bit of souvenir shopping. Now, apparently, we're going on every single ride known to man. I only went on three that seemed even slightly entertaining, and where I wouldn't die of throwing my guts up.

"So, how's Luffy travelling"

"I think he's going okay, he doesn't really talk about it"

"He'll get there one day"

I nod and flick my sunglasses down. The sun shining bright into my eyes.

"I think we're leaving soon, I need a drink"

I chuckle and stand as Usopp and Kaya come off the ride. Kaya clapping her hands and giggling, on the other hand Usopps knees were visibly shaking and his jaw was trembling.
Sanji and I give each other a simple look, before we burst out laughing at him.




We finally had left the theme park, everyone on the tram was giving us stares. I mean, I would stare too. A bunch of adults holding onto stupid little plushes. Plus Luffy was sitting on my lap clinging onto me and half asleep. Once we got back to our rooms or did whatever we each needed to do, Luffy plonked down on our bed face first while I put all of our bags and things in the corner of the room out of our way.

"Bit tired there Luf?"

He grunts and flops onto his back. I stand at the side of the bed, his head turns to look up at me. A soft smile appearing on his face.

"Come take a nap"

"I'm not that tired though, plus we have dinner in like..." I check the time on my phone, it reads 5pm. "... 1 hour and a half before we need to get ready"

"That's why it's called a nap~!"

I sigh and sit at the edge of the bed, agreeing to take a nap with him. He immediately shuffles up when I sling my legs up onto the bed and lay down properly. His head rests on my chest and he curled up against me. I keep my arms rested behind my head and stare up at the ceiling. Not even a minute later, hearing the familiar snores from the smaller male currently rested on me.
I made sure to set an alarm to wake him up, and potentially me. I know I said I wasn't tired. But I was. In fact I was exhausted. I just wanted to sleep right up until tomorrow but we had plans, and I wanted to enjoy this holiday after all. Before I had to go back to work, back to the real world. We were only here for another few days after all. We were leaving late Monday afternoon. Nami and Sanji had a doctor's appointment on the Tuesday so we had to leave then. I was excited to get back to my own bed but it also felt nice sharing a bed with someone else. Not just someone else, but with Luffy. It felt nice being able to go out with each other and have fun, with our friends too. We could do that back at home of course but it just wasn't the same. Going out on Holidays are completely different than going out at home.

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