Chapter 12 | one step closer

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Slowly but surely I too fell asleep, holding him.


Over the past few weeks we went to work as usual, came home, ate together, watched movies, sometimes drank alone together on weekends when everyone else already had plans, and then went to sleep together.
I missed him at work and often found myself zoning out thinking about him while my students were off on break or practicing in silence.

Today we would leave for the holiday, we had to meet everyone at the airport in an hour meaning we had to leave soon. I had our bags at the door and was double checking everything was locked, turned off and that we grabbed everything before we headed off in a cab. Not knowing how long the cab would take we decided to leave an hour early. Then by the time we got there we still had 40 minutes or more until the plane left.

I heard the cab arrive and called Luffy down from the bathroom, reminding him to turn the light off on the way down. He ran down, helped me with the bags and he locked the door for me on our way out.
We got into the cab after putting our bags into the trunk, luffy looking out the window in thought the whole ride. I placed my hand on his knee and he looked at me, smiling softly.
The glint in his eyes appearing yet again. I smiled back at him and he placed his hand on top of mine.


Once we arrived and met with everyone in the food court, we all grabbed our desired snacks to eat before the ride and sat down at our gate eating and talking away.

"You excited Luffy?"

"Yeah I'm so excited! Do you guys know what hotel we're staying at?"

"Nope, Nami and Robin booked all that"

"Trust us, it's a good one. Direct view to the beach!"

Luffy leans up to my ear and whispers into it. I look at Robin who raised her eyebrows at me. Being the only one to witness our closeness since we got here. Everyone else too busy buzzing with excitement.
I stifle a laugh at what Luffy had pointed out and nod my head towards Sanji to Robin, ushering her to look.
She snorts and quickly covers her mouth having to bury her face into Franky's shoulder or she would burst.
There was a big dirt stain on the back of his pants, right on the inner side, making it look worse than it really was. He for once wasn't wearing a suit. Once he found out about this stain he'd probably call it bad luck and resort back to his suits.
Franky looks over to where me and Luffy were trying to subtly point, he too trying to hide his laughter. Soon it reached around the entire crew and eventually passed to Nami who peeked behind him while he was talking to one of the flight attendants.

She looked at all of us, tears brimming her eyes as she tried her very best to hide laughter. She tried to tap him on the shoulder to say something but he said he would get to her in a moment, deep in serious conversation with the male attendant.


Once we got off the flight and retrieved our baggage, catching a cab to the hotel and individually checking in. The hotel was large and luxurious. Our rooms were even better. Somehow Nami scored and got us all amazing views. From Luffy and I's room you could see the big casino and beach where thousands of people were every hour of the hot summers day.

I place our bags down in our room and sit down on the couch. Luffy goes into the kitchen and scrummages around. He ends up finding complementary milk and packet cookies. He also makes me a coffee.

"We'll have to do a small shop and buy u some snacks and stuff"

"And your coffee and milk"

I chuckle and ruffle his hair as he eats his cookies and skulls down the milk.
By the time we got off the plane it was late afternoon, too late for lunch. More like afternoon tea.

Luffy's phone buzzes, a call coming through and he answers with his mouth full. I shake my head smiling like an idiot and sip on my coffee, watching as he replies in the simplest manner to the other side of the line.
As he hangs up the call and places his food down he swallows his food and looks at me.

"Nami said if we're not too tired she heard about a night market on from now until 10 tonight. Said there's food and clothing stalls, there's also a lot of bars and we can even go in our bathers and chill at the beach"

I nod and place my coffee cup down on the side table next to the couch.

"If that's something you're up for we can go with, I could go for a drink on the beach"

Luffy jumps up and throws his rubbish in the bin.

"Woohoo! Come on Zoro let's goo!"

"Dont forget a jumper for when it gets colder, and sunscreen before we leave! I don't want to hear your complaints two days from now when you're as red as a beetroot!"

I hear him giggle from the from at my words and his feet shuffling around as he gets ready in a hurry.

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