Chapter 18 | first kiss

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It felt nice being able to go out with each other and have fun, with our friends too. We could do that back at home of course but it just wasn't the same. Going out on Holidays are completely different than going out at home.


We had all arrived at the dinner reservation and sat ourselves down. It was around 7 when we arrived, right on time. The girls nearly made us late. Plus Usopp's complaining.
We ordered some drinks first off and chatted about until we ordered some food. Which left us eating at 7:45. Of course, Luffy ordered more than everyone. He was almost finished his meal while the rest of us were only halfway done.
Nami made us all dress decently because she wanted photos. Apparently every photo we take never ends nice. We're either sticking up the finger at our waists or ruin It by acting stupid or Sanji and I begin fighting.
In my defence he looked at me funny or breathed too heavily so I couldn't concentrate.

"Im actually excited to go see this band"

Nami smiles as she swallows a mouthful of her pasta.

"It's going to be awesome, we're only here for 1 more night after tonight so might as well make it worth it"

Brook claps excitedly like a small child. Chopper giggles beside him.

"I can't believe how fast time flew.."

"We will do this again, of course once the baby is a little older but we will"

Nami holds her stomach at that, Sanji smiling and kissing her cheek. I loved the sight of them, though I'd never admit it. But they were always meant to be. Through all the bickering and head whacking they were destined to be. I'm just hoping Luffy's that person as well. I never got to experience a highschool sweetheart, but maybe someday I could say I married my soulmate. That I found the person on the other end of the red string. Cheesy, even for me. God this boy is doing some wonders to my head.



| time skip |

We had finally arrived at the beach, already being filled with heaps of people and stalls filled with different quiet background music off to the sides or in line ups. Bar attendants laughing with their customers while they shake drinks up. Groups of people cheering and downing shots.
This feels like we're back in college.
I immediately see Sanji grip onto Nami, she pats his arm in response in a way that says 'it's fine, I'm fine'.
Robin kisses Franky's cheek and warns him to take care of little chopper. Usopp gives a small kiss on Kayas hand and bows dramatically before running off with Franky and Brook. Chopper on Franky's shoulders.
Luffy's stands close beside me and looks around at the pretty fairy lights strung up, and the pounding neon lights from the stage illuminating the area.

"Wanna go get a drink Lu?"

"Yeah! Come on over here they make fire!"

Luffy grabs my hand and pulls me. I feel my hands clam up and my body tense. My heart feels like it's going to explode.

Luffy orders the fireball, the soul reason being because he wanted to see the fire tricks they did while making and serving it. I just got a normal beer.

We walk over to Nami and Sanji talking and sitting at a small table with Chopper.

"Hey where's the other three!"

Luffy jumps over and leans over Nami's chair. She chuckles and tickles his chin.

"They're over there near the stage, go join them!"

Luffy looks to me, as if asking silently if I would be going with. I raise my beer at him and pull out a chair.

"Go on Lu, I'll be here. Go have fun"

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