A Lifetime of Love

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In a quaint and idyllic town,

where sunlight held a gentle caress, 

two young hearts embarked on a journey destined to leave an indelible mark on their lives. 


a vivacious and inquisitive lad,

 and Sana, 

a girl with eyes that shimmered like stars and a smile that could melt the iciest of hearts, 

serendipitously converged within the vibrant realm of kindergarten.

On the inaugural day of school,

 as you timidly ventured into the classroom,

 clutching the straps of your diminutive backpack,

 your eyes canvassed the unfamiliar environment, 

fraught with anticipation. 

Amidst the colorful chaos, 

your gaze found its magnet in the form of Sana,

 perched gracefully on the floor,

 her raven-black hair cascading in neat braids over her petite shoulders, 

her dainty fingers deftly arranging building blocks into whimsical structures.

Summoning a newfound reservoir of courage, 

you approached her with a bashful grin,

 uttering the simple yet profound query, 

"May I join you?" 


those starlit eyes now locked onto your own, 

responded with an enchanting smile and a nod,

 setting in motion an enchanting tale of friendship that would soon transform into an enduring love story.


you embarked on whimsical forays into the world of finger-painting, 

crayon masterpieces,

 and the exhilarating pandemonium of recess. 

Laughter and camaraderie painted the canvas of your days.

 Secret handshakes became your shared language,

and snack times were sacred moments of culinary exchange. 

Seasons came and went, 

but your bond grew resolute. 

You explored the sprawling playground, 

conquered jungle gyms, 

and conjured up fantastical adventures.


even in this harmonious symphony of friendship,

 there were occasional discordant notes. 


 like the inadvertent grape juice spill on Sana's cherished dress, 

or her generous act of sharing her dwindling cookie stash with you, 

became poignant chapters in your shared history. 

These moments of vulnerability and benevolence wove the threads of your connection even tighter.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now