The Hitchhiker

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Late at night, 

you found yourself driving down a desolate road, 

your mind occupied with thoughts of getting home quickly. 

The dim glow of your headlights barely pierced the darkness that enveloped the winding path ahead. As you rounded a curve, 

your eyes caught sight of a figure standing by the roadside, 

thumb extended in a hopeful gesture. 

Despite the chill creeping up your spine, 

you felt a pang of sympathy for the hitchhiker and decided to pull over.

"Hey, need a ride?" 

you called out as the stranger approached your car.

The hitchhiker, her face partially obscured by shadows, flashed a grateful smile as she climbed into the back seat. 

"Thank you so much. I've been waiting out here for ages. I'm Sana, by the way."

Your grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly as you returned her smile, 

trying to shake off the unease settling in the pit of your stomach. "No problem, Sana. I'm just heading home myself. Y/N."

The journey resumed in silence, 

the only sound the soft hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of leaves as the wind whispered through the trees. 

But just as you began to relax, 

your headlights illuminated another figure up ahead, 

thumb jutting out into the night.


you started to veer towards the roadside, 

ready to offer assistance once more. 


Sana's voice, 

barely above a whisper, 

halted your movements.

"Don't pick him up," 

she urged, 

her tone urgent and tinged with a hint of fear.

Your brows furrowed in confusion, 

but something in the intensity of her gaze gave you pause. 

"Why not?"

"Trust me," 

Sana insisted, 

her eyes darting nervously towards the looming darkness beyond the trees. 

"Just keep driving."


you obeyed, 

shooting a glance in the rearview mirror as the second hitchhiker vanished from sight. 

And then, 

as if on cue, 

Sana's words were confirmed in the most chilling manner possible.

A glint of metal caught your eye, 

and you watched in horror as the hitchhiker you had almost picked up brandished a gleaming knife, 

disappearing into the shadows with a sinister purpose.

Heart pounding, 

you turned to Sana, 

ready to demand answers, 

but the back seat was empty. 

Panic surged through you as you frantically scanned the interior of the car, 

but there was no sign of her.

Shaken to your core, 

you drove to the nearest police station, 

stumbling out of your car and bursting through the doors in a frenzied panic. 

As you recounted the harrowing events to the officers, 

their expressions morphed from disbelief to grim realization.

"What did you say her name was?" 

one of the officers asked, 

his voice grave.


you replied, 

your voice trembling with fear. 

"Why does it matter? You have to find her! There's a killer out there!"

As the tense silence enveloped the room, 

the officer's voice broke through with a somber tone. 

"You made the right call by listening to her. That man you saw? He's Ted Bundy, infamous for his heinous crimes. He's taken the lives of countless victims, much like the one you narrowly escaped becoming. And as for Sana... well, let's just say you weren't the first person to encounter her on that road. In fact, she was Bundy's very first victim."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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