Late to Love

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Once upon a time in a bustling college town, 

you found yourself navigating the final year of your undergraduate studies.

It was an exciting yet challenging period of your life, 

filled with late-night study sessions and the persistent dread of exams. 

To add to the mix, 

you had a particularly strict and intimidating English teacher, 


who seemed to be everyone's worst nightmare.


a stunning and formidable educator, 

was renowned for her unwavering dedication to her students. 

Her stern demeanor, 


sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls in your college. 

No one dared to challenge her, 

and you, 

a notorious heavy sleeper, often arrived late to her classes.

Sana had noticed your persistent tardiness and was growing increasingly concerned. 

She feared that your academic journey might take a downturn if you continued to arrive late and miss out on her valuable lessons. 

Her worry, 

though concealed behind her stern facade, 

gnawed at her.

One fateful day, 

as Sana was in the midst of a riveting discussion on Shakespearean sonnets, 

you stumbled into the classroom with a sheepish expression on your face. 

The room fell silent as Sana, 

in a booming voice, 

interrupted her own lecture to scold you in front of your fellow students.

"Late again, Y/N!" 

Sana's voice was a mix of disappointment and irritation as she stared at you.

You stammered, 

unable to form a coherent response due to her intimidating presence. 

"I-I'm sorry, Professor Sana," 

you managed to whisper.

Sana let out a heavy sigh and, 

for a moment, 

her usually stern eyes softened. 

In a worried tone, 

she said, 

"You're really pushing the boundaries of my patience, Y/N. You're a talented student, and I hate to see you jeopardize your future like this."

Your classmates were just as surprised as you by Sana's uncharacteristic response.

 As you took your seat, 

your closest seatmate leaned over and whispered, 

"You know, I think she might actually like you."

You couldn't help but chuckle. 

"That's impossible. She's just worried about my grades,"

 you replied dismissively.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now