A Library Date to Remember

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As you and Sana enter the public library, the bustling noise of the outside world fades away,

 replaced by the hushed murmurs of patrons and the soft rustle of pages turning. 

Sana's eyes widen with wonder as she takes in the rows upon rows of books lining the shelves,

 each one a portal to a different world waiting to be explored.

"I always forget how much I love libraries,"

she says, her voice barely above a whisper, 

as if she's afraid to disturb the tranquil atmosphere. 

"There's just something so magical about them, don't you think?"

You nod in agreement, 

a fond smile playing at your lips. 

"Absolutely. It's like stepping into a different universe with every book you pick up."

Sana's face lights up at your words, 

and she squeezes your hand affectionately. 

"Exactly! I could spend hours here, just getting lost in all these stories."


you weave through the aisles, 

occasionally stopping to pluck a book from the shelves and admire its cover before moving on to the next. 

Sana's excitement is infectious, 

and you can't help but feel a sense of joy bubbling up inside you as you watch her eyes light up with each new discovery.


Sana leads you to a secluded corner of the library where a shaft of sunlight filters through the window, 

casting a warm glow over a small table piled high with books. 

She picks up one of the books and holds it out to you, 

a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 

"Look at this one! It's called 'The Night Circus.' Have you heard of it?"

You take the book from her, 

running your fingers over the elegant script on the cover. 

"Yeah, I've heard amazing things about it. 

It's supposed to be really immersive, like you're actually at the circus."

Sana's eyes sparkle with excitement. 

"That's what I've heard too! I can't wait to dive into it."

Settling into your chairs,

you and Sana open the book together, 

the pages crackling softly beneath your fingers. 

Sana begins to read aloud, her voice smooth and melodic, 

drawing you into the world of the circus with each word.

As the afternoon wears on, 

you find yourselves completely immersed in the story, 

the rest of the world fading away as you lose yourselves in the magic of the circus. 

Every now and then, you steal glances at Sana, 

her eyes shining with excitement as she reads, 

and you can't help but feel a rush of affection for her.

After what feels like both an eternity and the blink of an eye, Sana closes the book with a contented sigh, 

a smile playing at her lips. 

"Wow, that was amazing," 

she says, 

her voice filled with awe. 

"I feel like I was actually there, experiencing everything alongside the characters."

You nod in agreement, 

a sense of contentment settling over you. 

"Yeah, it was pretty incredible. I'm glad we decided to read it together."

Sana leans back in her chair, 

stretching her arms above her head. 

"Me too. This has been the perfect afternoon."

You reach across the table to take her hand, 

intertwining your fingers with hers. 

"I couldn't agree more," 

you say, 

a warmth spreading through your chest. 

"I love spending time with you, Sana."

She beams at you, 

her eyes sparkling with affection. 

"I love spending time with you too."

As the afternoon sunlight begins to fade, 

casting long shadows across the library, 

you and Sana reluctantly gather your things, 

knowing that it's time to leave. 

As you make your way to the exit, 

Sana clutches her book to her chest, 

a dreamy smile still lingering on her lips.

"I can't believe how fast the time flew by," 

she says, 

her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. 

"I wish we could stay here forever."

You squeeze her hand reassuringly, understanding the feeling all too well. 

"I know, but don't worry. We can always come back another time."

Sana nods, 

her smile returning as she gazes up at you. 

"Yeah, you're right. As long as we're together, anywhere can feel like home."

With those words, 

you feel a swell of warmth in your heart, 

realizing just how lucky you are to have Sana by your side. 

As you step out into the cool evening air, 

hand in hand, 

you know that no matter where life takes you, 

as long as you have each other, 

you'll always find your own little slice of magic.

And so, 

with hearts full of love and minds full of stories, 

you and Sana walk off into the sunset, 

ready to face whatever adventures the future may hold.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon