Love's Triumph

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Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Seoul, 

there lived a remarkable woman named Sana. 

She was known not only for her wealth but also for her boundless kindness and stunning beauty.

 Sana had eight close friends, 

all of whom were wealthy individuals like her. 

They often spent their days together, 

enjoying the pleasures that came with their affluence.

On the other side of the city, 

in a less fortunate part of town, 

there was a homeless person, whose name we shall call "Y/N." Life had not been kind to you,

 and each day was a struggle for survival. 

Hunger was a constant companion, 

and the harsh streets of Seoul were your only home.

One chilly evening,

 as you searched for something to eat in the trash bins, 

Sana and her friends happened to pass by. 

They couldn't help but notice you, 

sitting there with a forlorn expression on your face. 

Sana's heart ached at the sight of your plight, 

and without hesitation,

 she instructed her friends to gather some food from their picnic. 

With a warm smile, 

she approached you and offered you a bag filled with delicious food.

Touched by her generosity, 

you accepted the food and thanked her profusely. 

As time went by, 

Sana couldn't help but feel drawn to you. 

She started visiting you more often, 

bringing you food and striking up conversations. 

Your stories, 

your dreams, 

and your resilience captured her heart.

One fateful day, 

Sana looked into your eyes and saw the kindness and strength within. 

She couldn't bear to see you suffering on the streets any longer. 

"Why don't you come live with me?" 

she asked,

 her voice filled with genuine concern.

You hesitated, 

thinking of the immense difference in your social statuses. 

"Sana, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't accept that offer. You're rich, and I'm poor. We come from entirely different worlds."

Sana's eyes glistened with determination as she said,

 "I don't care about our differences. What matters is that I want to help you. I can't bear to see you homeless and struggling. Please, come stay with me."

Reluctantly, you agreed. 

She led you to her opulent home,

 a stark contrast to the life you had known.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now