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one | Park Jisung's origin

There was a reason everyone stayed away from a loner like himself. Park Jisung was deemed different by the society he lived in.

Was it because he accidentally murdered his mother when his elemental power first developed? Because his power was so strong? Because he had two powers instead of one?

Jisung would probably never find out the answer to that question. The reason he wouldn't find out was because he simply didn't care.

He didn't care that nobody wanted him around, he didn't care that his classmates talked trash about him behind his back, and he couldn't care less about the fact that his father remarried four months after his mother died.

The only thing Park Jisung cared about, was being better than anyone else. He had nothing to prove, yet he loved the feeling of getting the best grades in his class, and his whole grade for that fact was enough to keep him going.

Truth be told, Jisung never studied. He spent most of his time in his basement, which was specifically made for him to train his powers, trying to control the black flames that seemed so hard to tame.

He got in full control of his pyrokinesis a few years after developing it, but the hell-fire manipulation didn't seem willing to cooperate with its master.

His classmates would call him a show-off, a stuck-up prick with a rich dad who gave him everything, and on those rare occasions that people would use their water-based powers to soak him wet and make him look like a cat that was desperately trying to find shelter under a storm, he'd snap.

He never hurt anyone, but to say that he was the most feared student in the school would go as an understatement. For whatever reason, he was also the guy girls found most attractive, but they would rarely approach him.

Deep down, he knew what loneliness meant, but he chose to ignore the longing his heart had for a friend or just anyone he could talk to without being too much of a burden. He couldn't bring himself to vent to his fifteen-year-old brother, Jihoon, who seemed as though he was extremely happy with his life.

"Happy birthday, Jisung!" Jihoon yelled as soon as he saw his brother come downstairs.

"Thanks, kid," Jisung replied while ruffling the younger's hair, "Why are you up so early? You don't have the first two periods today, do you?"

"I don't, but I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday," Jihoon replied, "Unless you found someone that already did it."

"Who would I possibly find, Jihoon?" Jisung laughed at his brother's words.

"You could've found a girl, or even a girlfriend for all I know," Jihoon shrugged his shoulders, "You never tell me anything."

"I tell you everything you need to know," Jisung replied, "Now go back to bed, I will make sure my room is clean so you can call your friends over whenever you want."

"You're leaving tomorrow morning, right?" Jihoon asked.

"Yes," Jisung stated.

"Could we maybe go eat out before you leave?" Jihoon questioned, "I won't see you for four years, I want to spend tonight with you." It was true. Jihoon wouldn't be able to see Jisung for four years, because his power was water-based which probably meant the two would be separated in camp, and Jisung already told him that even if he was allowed to come home for a weekend, he would probably stay at camp.

"Don't you have more important things to attend to tonight?" Jisung raised a brow at the younger.

"I'm sure my friends won't mind me hanging out with you for one night," Jihoon replied, "They all admire you anyway. They always say how cool you look by yourself."

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