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two | Park Wonbin's origin

"I can't believe you're already so old," Wonbin's best friend looked at him in disgust.

"I know, right? It's like he's a grandpa now." the other chuckled.

"Shut up, both of you." Wonbin sighed in annoyance as his two best friends continued to tease him on his eighteenth birthday.

"You're literally going to camp tomorrow, we have to tease you now, because who knows when we'll get the chance to call you old man again," Yizhuo replied.

"Aren't you sad that I am leaving you two infants out here all alone?" Wonbin joked.

"Listen up, you earth freak, when I get to camp I'll beat you up as soon as I see you," Yizhuo warned with a finger that was pointed in Wonbin's direction, making the older laugh.

"What are you laughing at? I will help her." Matthew took Yizhuo's side, making the oldest of the three immediately shut up.

"Come on you two, I was just joking around," Wonbin told them, "Now you know what it's like to be me."

"Ew, no. I don't want to know what it's like to be old." Yizhuo made a disgusted face.

"But on a serious note, don't be too sad in there without us. We'll swing by soon enough." Matthew told him.

"I'll cherish the time alone at camp." Wonbin joked. He was definitely the most mature out of the three of them, but that didn't mean that he wasn't funny at times. However, the two others would often joke about how he has no sense of humor, so he eventually gave up and would only sometimes crack a joke, everything else came naturally.

"I'm sure you will, but you only have, what? Three months?" Matthew replied, "And as soon as I come, I'll make sure that you are not at peace."

"Thank you so much for that, dear Matthew," Wonbin sarcastically replied, " I hope you get hit by the train that's supposed to take you to camp."

"How sweet of you, Wonbin," Matthew faked a smile, "I'll definitely consider jumping in front of it."

"Why are you both so boring?" Yizhuo groaned, "It's like I'm listening to an old married couple, even my grandparents are more fun than you two."

"Your grandparents are funny as hell, I wouldn't even dream of beating them." Matthew scoffed at her comparison.

"Whatever you say," Yizhuo shrugged her shoulders.

The trio ended up leaving school early, which both Matthew and Yizhuo knew they'd be punished for by their parents, and went to Wonbin's house.

To Wonbin's surprise, when they got into the house, the whole place was set up as a birthday party.

"Why would you do all this?" Wonbin questioned.

"Well, we thought it would be nice to have a small birthday party before you leave for camp, and your parents and brother all agreed," Yizhuo explained.

"Even your grandparents came," Matthew noted.

"So it's like a whole family reunion with two outsiders? Nice." Wonbin stated.

"Come on, we're not outsiders, your family loves us," Matthew argued.

"Let him be, it's his last day and we already got on his nerves today." Yizhuo nudged the older.

They ended up doing everything people did at birthday parties.

They ate, then sang Happy Birthday while standing up, which made Wonbin, the only one that was sitting down, uncomfortable and awkward, just like most people are when people are singing Happy Birthday for them.

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