Cp1:The Successor met her Predecessor

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Rimuru POV

Rimuru:<did we arrive at the right time Ciel?>

<<Hai master without a doubt.>>

Rimuru:(So this is really the past hah)
'As I said to my self and look around'

Rimuru: well the scenery is not that bad in fact it's refreshing to see this kind of greenery landscape.
'I said and take a deep breath even though I didn't need it and let out a *sigh*'(this really is refreshing.)

As I look to my self I can clearly see my long dress that I wear back in my reality, it is really eye catching. This is bad news I need to wear some casual clothes.

Rimuru:<Ciel can you make a CASUAL CLOTHES for me please>
'I highlighted the word CASUAL CLOTHES as I don't want Ciel to get overboard'

<<Hai Creating a HIGH GENESIS CLASS casual clothes for master using [Creation God Shub'Niggurath] successful.>>

Rimuru: Eh?
'I just got dumbfounded by her action'

As Ciel finished creating the clothes, my old dress started to glow as it was replaced by the new one.

My outfit right now are plane while bowknot dress that has a platinum blue ribbon that resembles my hair that tied up in it's collar. As for bottom part I was wearing a skirt that has a same color of my hair but slightly darker. For the shoes I'm wearing a black doll shoes and I'm also wearing a black stockings.

As for my hair it's just one sided ponytail tied with dark blue ribbon.

As I focus my point of view towards my self to check if this clothes suit my taste. As I look to my self I can clearly see that this clothes highlighted the curves of my body, not that I dislike it- in fact I kinda like it, because it gives me a sexy look yet elegant persona. Ciel really did know my taste hah... well that my wife for you!

Rimuru:<you really did overboard this time hah

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Rimuru:<you really did overboard this time hah... but I like it thank you darling.>

<<Tee-hee praise me more.>>
'happy noises'

Rimuru:<<I love you Ciel your the best!>>


Ok now that my clothes is finished I just have to locate him as I think about it I activate my [Mutiversal perception] to scan the whole planet,
And I see him, alone in the top of the mountain watching his own creation.

Rimuru: There he is.
'as I said and teleport behind his back'


3rd person POV

In a certain mountain there's a handsome yet beautiful man that rivals the beauty of a gods standing at the peak of it, watching the view of his own creations.

Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru Where stories live. Discover now