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Rimuru POV

???: Who are you? And why I can sense a Dragon factor in you?

Rimuru:<Umh... Ciel? Why is she talking about my Dragon factor?
Didn't you tell me that it was evolved into Origin factor? So why is she sensing a Dragon factor in me??>

<<Well master to explain you that your race itself is self explanatory.
Your race called Origin species is
The combination of all races in whole omniverse and it's the most Superior race out there, and to answer your question... well I guess you already know the answer master.>>

Rimuru:<I see so that's how she misunderstood my Origin factor for a Dragon factor.>

Veldanava:*ahem* Ahm Velzard this this is Ri....
Rimuru<Wait!? Ciel make a fake name for me! I don't want to revealed my identity that I'm from different universe or should I say different reality, and please make a good background story for me as well.>

<<*Sigh*Master this is just a waste of my ability you know.>>

Rimuru:<No no! Not at all this is the PERFECT opportunity to make use of your abilities darling.>

<<Ok I will only make it because Master said so.>>

Rimuru:<hehe too easy.>

<<Are you saying something master?>>

Rimuru:<nothing. it's just your imagination.>


Rimuru:<Ahm. Ciel?>

<<H-hai ok say this........>>

'said in a serious tone'

<<D-did I just said s-something wrong m-master?>>

Rimuru:<YOUR A GENIUS!!>

<<P-please don't scare me like that!
And I'm not a goddess of wisdom for no reason Hmph!.>>

Rimuru:<Eh? Ciel are you mad?>


Rimuru:<You know what? You are really cute when you acted like that darling.>

<<M-master Y-you B-baka Hmph!>>


Veldanava: Velzard this is Ri....
'But before he could continue speaking, Rimuru interrupt.'

Rimuru:I'm Rachel, Rachel Tempest
Your nee-san's Student.

Veldanava: R-right her name is Rachel my student.

(A/N: Okay I will address her as Rachel starting this moment.😁)

Velzard: Well that doesn't explain why a sense a dragon factor in you.

Rachel: Ok I can explain to you that, but promise me not to be surprise and keep it a secret.

Velzard: Ok I will.

Rachel: Ok then let's start.

As I said that-I started explaining the fabrication Ciel's made off, and the explaination lasted about an hour.

Velzard: Well that's just absurd, I didn't imagine a human can evolve into a True dragon sub-species, that's just hard to imagine.

Rachel:(because it's impossible) Well
I know it's hard to believe it but it's true(it's not).

Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru Where stories live. Discover now