Cp6: The Suffering of Guy & Rachel's Ascension to Demon Lord

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Ice continent

Rachel POV:

We arrive at the Ice continent more particularly in Guy's Frozen Palace we are currently at the guest room sitting on the sofa that is made of ice. I'm together with Guy that is sitting in my opposite direction, Ramiris who is sitting next to me and for some reason Velzard is sitting at my lap while clinging at me. Milim on the other hand is sleeping quietly at the Guest bedroom.

Guy then start his little interrogation and ask me some various questions.

Guy: So it appears that you two know each other quite well yes? So how did you met each other?

Rachel: Hai we meet when she(Velzard) suddenly appeared when I'm talking to Sensei.

Guy Hearing my answer twitches his eyebrows in confusion not only guy but also Ramiris- no infact they are curious when I said the word Sensei
Ramiris then ask me some curious question.

Ramiris: Sensei? Well if I may Can you please tell to us who is this Sensei of yours?

I then answer her the false story that Ciel come up with.

Rachel: His name is Veldanava- Veldanava-sensei.

They then looks at me with surprised expression written on their Faces and the one who ask me this time is Guy.

Guy: Hah so your telling Thet you're an apprentice of Veldanava? (The hell dude how many secrets are you hiding!?)
'He said with visible veins popping out on his forehead-- Geez His Having his first headache poor lad.'

Rachel: Well Yes I....

But before I could continue he ask me some question again.

Guy: Okay Okay Enough about that I'm just curious- Your not human yes? So where Race did you belong too?

Rachel: Well to tell you the truth I'm I former Human myself .(well It's true that I'm former Human tho.)

Guy then look at me with surprised and I can clearly see that his forehead are red because of Intense Headache that his feeling even though he's wearing bandana.

Guy: So I assume that you're a death man.

Rachel: (Ehhhh!? You consider a beautiful lady such as Myself a Death man!!) No I'm not Infact I'm a Dragonoid.

Guy: Come again!?

He said irritated while Ramiris on the other hand just look at him with petty.

Ramiris: (Poor boy.)

I then Start to tell the story that Ciel come up with and their expression was really priceless if you could see it.

Guy: Well that's just great. (Damn this girl is really Chaotic to think that she will give me such headache like this.)

Ramiris: It's really Impossible to believe such story like that but if Velzard-san said that it's true well I can believe on it.

Rachel:(Yeah Ramiris you're right. Even me is skeptical to tell that story because it's really unbelievable.)

Guy: And according to your story to evolve into True Dragon sub-species because of you consuming the Attack of Veldanava Right?

Rachel: Yeah that right.

Guy: So tell me do you posses Ultimate Skill?

Rachel: (The hell he analyzed it? Well Guy is really an Smart individual I will give it him to Him.) Y-yeah how did you know?

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