Chapter 7-Bound by Fear

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After finishing school that day, I decided to invite all the girls for an afternoon of fun. I suggested going to the cinema to watch a lighthearted movie and then visiting an arcade to relax.

While we were on our way to the cinema, I noticed something concerning about Luna. She appeared exhausted, with deep circles under her eyes and a tired expression on her face. Worried, I asked if she had been playing games all night, as she often did.

Luna denied it, explaining that she had been having nightmares. Additionally, she confessed that on her way home, she had been feeling like someone was watching her. Emily suggested it might be because of the horror games Luna had been playing. Furthermore, as her mother was a nurse who worked night shifts, Luna was often alone at home during the night and felt scared.

The worry about the serial killer returned to my mind. I told Luna to be careful and stay alert to her surroundings. She nodded with a grateful look, and we continued our way to the cinema.

At the cinema, we chose a light and funny movie to temporarily forget the horrors we were facing. We sat together in the dark theater, laughing at the humorous scenes on the screen. It was a temporary relief from the tension, but our minds were still concerned about Luna's safety.

After the movie, we headed to the arcade, a place filled with vibrant colors and bright lights. Most people were busy playing arcade games, pool, and air hockey.

Luna, who was usually an avid gamer, didn't seem as excited as usual. Emily, Daisy, and I decided to cheer her up, encouraging her to participate in games and relax a bit.

While Emily and Luna played a game of air hockey, Daisy and I decided to try a dance game. It was a burst of laughter and awkward movements as we tried to follow the steps on the illuminated floor.

Samantha and Raven were engaged in a game of pool, focusing on the game. Even with all the fun around us, we couldn't help but have persistent worries about Luna.

Later that night, Luna reassured us, telling us not to worry too much. She said she just needed a good night's sleep and would be as good as new. We said our goodbyes, wishing her a peaceful rest and the chance to regain her energy. Each of us went to our respective homes, still carrying the persistent worries in our minds.

When I got home, I went to the office where the detective was about to leave with some colleagues. I was glad he needed a break, as I knew how tirelessly he had been working on the serial killer investigation. It was evident that he also needed some time to relax and recharge.

My joy quickly turned to alarm when, later that night, I heard knocks on the door. Upon opening it, I found an envelope left on the doorstep, containing a note and several photographs. The images showed Luna on her way home and inside her own house, as if someone had been following and secretly observing her. My heart raced as I read the words on the note: "I have your friend. Come to her house quickly, or I'll hurt her."

Without wasting time, I grabbed my phone and immediately called the detective, providing him with all the details. He asked me to wait while he gathered information, but the fear of something happening to Luna if I delayed drove me to take action on my own.

I ran to Luna's house, my mind flooded with worries and fears. The front door was inexplicably ajar, and I entered cautiously. I rushed to her room, which was in complete disarray, as if a fierce struggle had taken place. Furniture was overturned, objects scattered, and signs of a struggle were visible everywhere.

Among her stuffed animals, I came across a sinister-looking doll that bore a striking resemblance to Luna, sending a shiver down my spine. It was evident that something terrible had happened there.

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