Chapter 8-A rival appears

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Over the next few days, my life gradually began to return to normal. I was eager to get back to the club because I felt that my relationship with Mason had grown stronger. However, something unexpected happened on my way there.

As I was heading to the club, a group of girls appeared in front of me, like sinister shadows under the streetlights. One of them, standing out with her curly blond hair that shimmered like golden threads under the moonlight, her brown eyes conveying an almost threatening intensity, made an intimidating approach. Her makeup was striking, enhancing her features and giving her an air of supreme confidence. Her manicured nails, sharp as claws, were an extension of her intimidating demeanor.

She approached with firm steps, and her penetrating gaze sent shivers down my spine as she proclaimed, with a challenging tone, that Mason was "hers." Her voice sounded like distant thunder, and her dominating presence was undeniable. She made it clear that I should stay away, or I would face serious problems. Her name, Kate, echoed like a warning in my ears as she stood her ground, determined not to give up Mason so easily.

I decided to ignore the threat and continued toward the club. When I arrived there, Emily immediately noticed that something was wrong. She questioned me about what had happened, and I explained the situation. Emily was indignant, saying that no one had the right to speak to me in that manner.

During the conversation, Emily revealed that she had heard rumors about the blonde girl named Kate, who had been in love with Mason since the first day of school. Kate had confessed her feelings to Mason, but he had rejected her. However, she continued to pursue him, driving away any girl who got close to him. This explained the aggressive attitude she had displayed on the street.

I felt sorry for Mason and now understood why his father was so concerned. I decided not to distance myself from him; instead, I would be a loyal friend and not allow Kate or her group to intimidate me.

On my way back to the office, after all the tumultuous events and intense emotions I had experienced, I decided to make a brief stop to visit my father. He had returned from his trip a few days earlier, and I was consumed with longing. I felt the need to share with him everything that had happened in my life recently, even though I knew the words would be difficult to find.

Upon arriving at my father's house, I found him visibly calmer than before. It was evident that his trip had rejuvenated him, and he seemed to be in a lighter mood. This positive change in his behavior was reassuring.

However, I knew I could no longer postpone the difficult conversation I needed to have with my father. He was aware of many of the events, thanks to Emily, who had informed him about everything that had happened during his absence. Still, I knew he was waiting to hear my version of the events, and I was ready to share with him the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

So, as we sat in the living room, I began to recount all the details of the events that had led me to live with the detective for a while. I talked about the mysteries, the serial killer, the stalking, and the threats. I told him about the incredible support from my friends and how they had been by my side when I needed them the most.

My father listened attentively, with an expression that oscillated between understanding and concern. It was hard for him to hear about the dangers I had faced and the ongoing threat that hung over us. But at the same time, his presence and support were invaluable to me at that moment.

When I left my father's house, I encountered my neighbor, Filipe. He noticed that I was feeling down and asked what had happened. Filipe tried to cheer me up and kindly invited me to join him at work.

I agreed to the proposal, and we went to a neighborhood filled with bars and clubs. As the night progressed, the neighborhood came to life, and the club we entered had a refined atmosphere, with beautiful, well-dressed staff.

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