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Skylar has habits that simply make you want to claw your eyes out.
That's especially true when you know her true nature. I get what Harry was saying that she's too perfect now.

Every morning she's up at 7:30 and making herself an egg white omelette and greens smoothie. We literally have an entire kitchen staff that she fully ignores to make her little concoctions. This is the same girl who would make hot coco with three packets so it could be sweeter, who would eat sour patch kids by the handful and her daily fluid intake was maintained by Coca-cola and apple juice. It's not just her food habits that are fucking infuriating though.

before we go out she cleans EVERYTHING compulsively in the room. Obviously having 6 people share a room is hard enough but she'll be in a cocktail dress on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. Just like we have a kitchen staff, we have maids. It's completely unnecessary and honestly makes me anxious to watch.

The worst is when you try to stop her. Skye doesn't take any shit, she never has. But the moment you tell her "It's alright, you dont have to do that." She's at your neck like a predator going for your jugular.

She goes to bed the moment she gets out of the shower in the same twin sized bed as Harry. It's like this is the college experience they missed out on. I don't think she knows we all hate them together just as much as Adam would.

When I found out about Harry cheating on her, I was livid. How could you fuck it all up with someone so good to you. He was so into himself back then. He wanted us to all be equal parts of the band, but we all knew he was our lead.

I only sleep with women I'm in relationships with, the guys sometimes rip on me for it, but hooking up just comes back to bite me in the ass at the end of the day anyways. When we were younger and I played football, or soccer rather on the school team I'd get shoved around and poking fun that they all thought I was gay. In any case, I physically felt sick thinking about Harry treating such an amazing person like that.

Harry is her worst habit.

She was close with all of us in a way I couldnt explain. We'd all carpool to school together, always on subways riding into manhattan to sneak into bars and smoking and drinking together. We were young and seventeen. She knew all of us so intimately. Sometimes when Harry was on a task alone or we were separated, the guys and I would talk about how we wished she was with us.

We owe our first album to her, honestly everything was about her. Whether Harry was writing about her romantically or the rest of us platonically, we all wanted her back.

Without fail I wake up to the whirring of that fucking blender. I think I resent her for things she doesn't even control. I try to be patient with her. She didnt ask for this. She just showed up to work one day and we insisted on crashing in. I feel horrible about it, Liam and Niall haven't mentioned anything about it but I know Harry feels it deep in his bones. I don't sleep well anyways. I keep picturing the last task I had with Liam in New York.

It was easy. Well it seemed like it was easy. Pay out was amazing, and it would be one of, if not the last task we would have to take. Liam thought we were in over our heads and I should have listened to him.

I'd rather take that beating than to do what we did.

We were told no one would get hurt, that no one would be in the car and it was only to taunt that lower cut gang thats been after us.

These tasks, these stupid little tasks seem harmless until they aren't.

That night we strapped some sort of explosive to the bottom of a car that would detonate when the doors would unlock. We spent almost an hour hooking it up and spent the rest of the night on stakeout.

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