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I strolled through the garden I gently poked all the fruit as I passed by. I was lost and decided to just walk around to see if I'd find my way.

I came to a clearing and saw a figure in the distance singing Shape of You by Ed Sheeran, oh I love that song. As I ran up to the person to tell them I loved the song they were singing, I saw the figure gently grab me as we waltz around to the song. I smiled uncontrollably as I leaned in to see their face clearly, I saw Nemo smiling down at me "Hi."

I was startled awake by my dream, stupid Aidan putting stupid ideas in my head, I groaned as I gently rubbed my eyes. I picked up my phone to check the time and saw that it was only three in the morning. I heard my tummy grumble and decided to stroll down to get something to eat.

As I opened the fridge I saw some leftover spaghetti with a note beside it. 'you skipped dinner and I'm sure you'll come down to eat at night so I left some for you, and don't worry it was fresh out of the pot.' I smiled at the note, my mum got me so well.

I put the spaghetti into the microwave as I waited for it to warm up. I picked up my phone to pass the time as I started to play a game. Once I heard the microwave ding, I took out the dish and started to stuff my face. Once I was done I strolled back upstairs to my room. I knew I couldn't sleep now so I took that opportunity to check my social media.

My social media was kinda sad, considering I barely had any friends, plus I don't like using social media anyway.

I decided to take a shower and prepare for school since I was already wide awake. As I rummaged through my closet, I decided to wear one of Cinth's clothes again, not letting others bring me down. Waiting for sunrise was so exhausting so I decided to lay on my back and think about my life.


I woke up to the alarm going off by six o'clock, turns out I had fallen asleep, but since I was already fed and bathed I stuffed my school supplies into my bag and went downstairs.

"You're up early," Cinth said as she saw me come downstairs.

"Good morning to you too" I replied sarcastically.

"Mum and Dad aren't home they had to take Alex to the doctor because he got another fever." She said as she typed away on her.

"When will they be back?" I asked feeling a little worried for my little brother.

"Don't worry, they'll be back before you leave for school." She said as she looked up at me reassuringly.

"So how's senior year treating you?" We went to the same school, but I only saw her during lunch.

"A little stressful, but okay." She said as she started to type on her phone again.

"Say 'hi' to Caleb for me." She smirked at my comment and rolled her eyes. My sister had a weird texting system, if she's texting early or super late, it's Caleb, if she's texting mid-day it's hard to tell but usually her friends.

After about an hour our parents were back. Alex ran into the house and I couldn't help but hug him tight and ruffle his hair as a wave of relief washes over me. He smiles a little fatigued.

"How was the hospital?" I asked Alex as he went to sit on the couch.

"The doctor gave me an injection, and I didn't cry one bit." He said very proud of himself. Truthfully I was proud of him, even Cinth still cries for injections. I gave him a fist bump.

"You're so brave, now I know who to call when I'm hanging off a cliff." He nodded and smiled at me.

"Look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! Wait no it's Alexandrite." Alex screamed as he jumped on the couch. We all laughed at this before my mum decided to scold him for jumping on our couch.

My dad offered me a ride to school and I didn't want to walk so I happily accepted. On the ride to school, we talked about the cooking show we both liked to watch.

As I walked through the halls I didn't see anyone I knew so I kept my eyes down as I walked through.

"Hey, Amethyst!" Someone called out to me. As I turned back to see who it was I immediately blushed and turned back, thank goodness for my dark skin unless I'd be as red as a beet.

"What do you want?" I snapped as the person caught up to me.

"I like the way you dress like you don't care if people think you're homeless." I stared at him as a little anger flared up inside me. That was the stupidest thing anyone has ever said to me, what was his problem anyway?

'listen here Nemo, I don't give a flying rat's butt about what you say, why the heck do you even care anyway, please oh please, do everyone a favor and get lost, we both know it does a lot of good when Nemos are lost, remember last time we got a good movie.' is what I should have said, but instead I just rolled my eyes and said, "sure."

I walked away from the weirdo before he could make any more comments.

"Amy!!" A voice called out to me again. For someone awkward and shy, I do have a lot of people who know my name.

Tia ran up to me looking a little worried. "Mr Garner got suspended." Mr Garner was our drama teacher.

"Why? What happened?"

"One of the snitch teachers caught him drinking and reported him to the school board, and they said they couldn't allow him to teach kids until he's gone through proper rehabilitation." Mr Garner was a raging alcoholic, we all knew but decided not to tell because he directed great plays.

You know what they say good things come out of bad people.

No, they don't.

I know, but wouldn't it be great to be narrating and then come up with a quote?

Wouldn't it be better if the quote was real?

Why are you arguing with me you're my subconscious.

"Hey, you there?" Tia snapped me out of my mental battle.

"Oh, yeah I am, so what now?"

"Well, it gets worse," Tia said as my worry grew.

"Oh no, lay it on me," I said as I got ready for the worst.

"The new substitute insisted that we all have to do new auditions to get in the drama club." She said as she shivered.

"Is that it?" She nodded, "Well that's not a big deal." She looked at me with confusion and slight fear in her eyes as I chuckled slightly.

"Listen you're a great actress I'm sure you'll make it, and I'm sure I'll be good enough to make it too," I said trying to calm her down.

She let out a breath that she was holding as I pulled her to our first period. To be honest, I was a bit worried for myself, what if I didn't get in?

Author's note:
Hi guys how did you like this chapter? I know my insults from Nemo are a bit flat, but I grew up a people pleaser so I'm not good at insults, it will help a great deal if you guys could help me with them.

Please keep them innocent and not too bad, thanks a lot.

Don't forget to vote and comment.
Love ya, till the next one.

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