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Why does everyone hate it when I sleep in peace? I tried turning, but realized that my bed seemed smaller. Before I could regain my balance, I heard a loud thud on the ground, and my eyes shot open. I heard people around me laughing and saw Ms. Cherry with a pitiful look on her face.

"Are you okay, honey? Your friends say you've been sleeping since you got here," Ms. Cherry said as she stretched out her hand to help me up.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm fine. It was just a stressful week," I said as I took her hand.

"Okay, because the club meeting just started, and if you're not feeling up to it, you can go," she said, smiling sweetly at me.

"Thanks, Ms. Cherry, but I'm fine. I'm up to it."

"Okay, then let's start," she said, addressing the club.

I turned and saw Danny and Tia looking at me worried. I gave them a quick smile, hoping it would reassure them, but it didn't seem to do anything.

"Okay, class, welcome to the first meeting of the semester. As most of you know, we are to put up a show at the end of each semester. A lot of work?" People around the room nodded along at the rhetorical question. "I know, but at the end, let's all try to have fun with this."

"Now, the play we will be conducting is something I wrote by myself. A love story between a girl with a lot of insecurities and a boy running away from all his problems, barely navigating their way through until they find each other. I thought it is just fine the way it is, but the principal made me realize that parents might not appreciate it if it doesn't have a lesson within. Thoughts?" She was right; a vague story like that needed more depth to appease the parent.

There was a looming silence as everyone tried to figure out how to add more depth to it.

"Okay, let's do this. We go home and sleep on it and come back with our ideas tomorrow," Ms. Cherry said after the silence went on for too long.


After a few discussions, the class was dismissed for the day. I quickly tried to slip out, but as I was just about to make it, Aidan caught me. He pulled me into an empty class where Tia was already waiting.

"What's going on with you?" Aidan demanded as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you seem distant. Whatever it is, you can talk to us; we're your friends," Tia added softly.

"What is this, good friend, bad friend? And when did you two become close?" I didn't mean it, but I was trying so hard to avoid whatever was bothering me.

"You're trying to change the topic. Tell me or we're not leaving here today," Aidan said as he moved over to the door.

"You guys should just leave me alone, okay?"

"I won't unless you tell me what is going on with you." I felt my head start to pound.

"Please just leave me alone; I don't want to talk about it," my ears started to ring, and my eyes blurred up.

"I'm your best friend; why can't you just tell me," my hands started shaking.

"Leave me alone!"

"Just tell me!"

"Please, leave me alone!"

"I can't believe this; we're best friends for crying out loud, why can't you just tell me."

I barely knew where I was; all I saw was Aidan looking furious at me and Tia in the corner looking pitifully at me. I felt myself on the brink of tears, trying so hard to hold it back.

"Answer me, Amethyst!"


"Alex's sick, okay!" I screamed back at him out of frustration.

"He has leukemia," I said a little quieter as I broke down, tears started pouring from my eyes. I felt someone quickly engulf me, I cried into their shoulder letting all my frustrations out.

"It's okay, shh, it's okay," Aidan gently said into my ear as he patted my hair.


After I had calmed down a bit, Aidan sat me down and sat beside me.

"Tell us everything," Tia said as she sat on the other side of me.

"Okay, well, my mum and dad came home and told my sister and me that Alex had leukemia and that he has a chance but not a good one and," I choked a little as tears welled up in my eyes again, "and I was sad so much so that it made me mad at everyone and everything. So the next morning when Alex came into my room I yelled at him for no reason, and I felt so guilty and I didn't want to do that to anyone again, so I decided to avoid everyone so I wouldn't upset them."

"You shouldn't run away from your problems like that," Tia said after I was done.

"And you especially shouldn't think that you can go through all this without a friend," Aidan added.

"I'm sorry," I didn't know what else to say.

"Don't be sorry; just promise me anytime you're sad or mad that you'll talk to me, okay?" Aidan looked at me intently waiting for my answer, his blue eyes filled with sadness he was trying so hard to hide.

"I promise."

Aidan pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "Is it too early to tell you that you ruined my favorite shirt with your tears?"

I broke into laughter, shaking my head at his attempt to cheer me up; well, it worked.

"Uhh, guys? Sorry to ruin your little moment, but I have to go; I have a prayer group this evening," Tia pointed out as she checked her watch.

Tia came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back as she whispered in my ear, "everything will be fine, and I'll pray for him every day."

"Thank you." Tia broke the hug and left.

After Tia left, Aidan and I followed suit.

"Oh yeah, can you please not tell Nadia I want to tell her myself." I told Aidan as we were exiting the school.

"I'm not going to let you drag this out for long, so I won't tell her, but we'll come to your house tonight and you'll tell her yourself." It seemed reasonable. I nodded my head in agreement and gave him a smile.

I felt a lot better after telling Aidan and Tia, now I just have to get ready to tell Nadia. I'm not sure if it'll go smoothly, but there's one thing I do know, a lot of tears will be shed tonight I better get ready.

Author's note:

Another chapter, I hope you enjoyed this one, I had a feeling that the way Amethyst reacted was a bit cliché, so lemme hear what you guys have to say. Also to anyone who has been reading this book for long, I want to go back and change some mistakes so there's a high chance I'll unpublish it all and wait till I finish to upload it. If you agree put it in the comments lemme hear what the readers have to say. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote. Byeeeee.

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