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Dedicated to girlofmanythoughts this amazing new book cover.


I slowly strolled to lunch as my mind wandered and my heart raced.
I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong if I wasn't chosen to join the drama club anymore, I loved acting but I never felt good enough, I always played small roles when it came to plays so I felt amateur at best.

"Hey," Nad said as she caught up to me.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in weeks." She chuckled slightly at my comment.

"I know, I miss you." I sent her a weak smile because I couldn't muster a better one.

"What's wrong?" She said a little concerned.

"It's just..." I started as I looked around a little worried "The new substitute drama teacher is doing re-auditions and I'm worried I might not cut since I'm not that good of an actress."

"Oh, well if drama club doesn't work out for you maybe you can finally join me in the newspaper club so we won't be apart." I stared at her in disbelief as those words came out of her mouth. I expected her to say something along the lines of 'You are pretty good I'm sure you'll make it'. I scanned her face to check if she was making a joke or something but the seriousness on her face just flared something up inside me. I took a deep breath and forced on a smile as I lightly said "Sure."

I don't know why I was angry, but I couldn't help it. We reached the cafeteria and sat on our table as we sat in utter silence. Every time Nad tried to bring up a conversation, it quickly died down because I wasn't ready to talk to her.

"Hey guys," Aidan said as he walked towards the table with Stanley beside him.

"Hi babe," Stanley said seductively as he sat beside Nad and started to kiss her.

"Ew, gross, dude can you not kiss my sister in front of me," Aidan said as he looked away. Nadia rolled her eyes and started to chat with Stanley.

"What's up with you?" Aidan leaned in and asked after a while of me sitting in silence and picking at my food.

"Nothing." I couldn't stand to sit there anymore so I quietly excused myself, tossed my trash away, and exited the cafeteria.

I went straight to the biology lab to cool off. It was always empty because of all the animals there, they weren't animals a lot of people liked. As I got in I walked straight to my favorite animal there, it was a bat named Kujo. I am secretly a bat lover, shhhh.

"Hi Kujo I missed you, I know it has been so long since we've talked because I got so busy lately," I said as I gave him his treat, "I have a problem and I can't tell anyone, on the one hand, one of my friends is worried so I can't worry her with my worries and on the other hand the one friend I thought I could complain to, just couldn't understand me, what should I do Kujo, who should I talk to..."

"You can talk to me." I turned around to see Aidan behind me.

"Why did you follow me?"

"You seemed upset, so I decided to check up on you, what happened?"

"You won't get it, it's just me being irrational."

"Try me." He said as he sat beside me and started to give Kujo some treats.

"You know the new substitute drama teacher is doing re-auditions right?"

"Yeah, I'm trying out too." He nodded urging me to go on.

"Well I'm worried I won't make it, and when I told Nad she told me that if drama club didn't work out I could try newspaper club so we could be together." He looked at me very confused.

"Is that why you're mad?"

"I don't know why I'm mad, maybe I'm mad because I was expecting confirmation, for her to tell me 'You're a good actress you can do it'. You both know that drama club is the only place I feel good, but I don't know, maybe I'm being irrational, maybe it's true that I'm terrible and just don't need to try at all, maybe..."

"Woah calm down," Danny said cutting off my rant. I took a deep breath as I stared at him awaiting judgment.

"You know how Nad can be, right?" I nodded as he continued, "She didn't mean that you were bad she just really misses you and thought of this as an opportunity to spend time with you. You know you guys don't have any classes together and she's always so busy with the school newspaper that whenever she has time she uses it to rest." I took it all in as I gently rested my head on his shoulder and I watched Kujo sleep peacefully.

"You should probably talk to her." He stated after a while of silence.

"I know."

"We should probably go lunch will soon be over." He said as he stood up ready to go.

"Go ahead I'll catch up to you, I need to talk to Kujo." He simply nodded as he chuckled slightly and started to leave.

After a bit of alone time with Kujo I set a course for my next class.


After all our classes it was finally time to do the auditions for drama club. I felt very worried as I made my way through the halls, and I had a very nervous bladder—whenever I was nervous I'd feel like peeing— so I stopped by the bathroom.

As I emptied my bladder I heard the door to the bathroom open.

"That was hectic." A familiar voice said.

"I know it felt like it was never going to come to an end." Another voice said.

As I was done I hurried out so I wouldn't hear anything that I would regret.

As I opened the door I was greeted with a familiar face that I completely forgot existed, Jupiter.

"What are you doing here." Jupiter's best friend, Devan said.

"Oh I always wanted to be an astronaut and this is where they say to go if you want to make wishes to fulfill your dream." Devan rolled her eyes at me as I heard Jupiter snicker behind her.

As I exited I let out a sigh of relief, at least I escaped what was going to have been the most cliché experience ever.

As I got into where we were supposed to do our auditions I saw Tia hunched over by a corner. She was the only person here. I felt a little worried and walked over to her.

"Hey, Tia, what's wrong?" I said as I approached her.

"Oh, hi," she said as she turned back to me.

"What happened?"

"Oh, nothing I just decided to pray a little, for God to help me with this." I let out a little sigh of relief as she chuckled at my worry.

"Sorry to disturb you."

"Oh, no don't worry, I was done anyway." She said as we both made our way to take our seats. I felt a bit more confident as we waited for the sub to arrive, as Tia and I talked about very random things. After a while, Aidan joined us too as we all talked the minutes away.

Author's note:
Hi guys, sorry for the very late post😅 I just got busy with a lot of other things. I hope you enjoy this chapter I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to vote and comment. And thank you so much for reading my book.

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