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Ravi's pov:
I sat in my car in the same spot it has been parked for the last thirty minutes, outside of Pips house. I don't know what I was waiting for, to apologize, to try and get back together with her? I couldn't believe I had just walked out, walked out on her when she needed me. She was right I hadn't been there for her, for Stanley, for DT so far, she was right I was being a terrible boyfriend. Or was a terrible boyfriend. As luck would have it, I heard the front door of pips house open and shut through the cracked window, but instead of getting out of the car to sympathize with her I put my head down and hoped she wouldn't notice me in my car still sitting there like a dumbass. I heard footsteps approaching and braced for impact but just as quickly as they had approached they faded off into the distance. I got the courage to finally look up and when I did I could see her walking down the street, Carmel hair blowing in the breeze in my rear view mirror. I decided it was now or never so I quietly hopped out of the car and began to silently follow her. I was a good fifteen feet behind her every step and when she would turn around I would hide behind a tree or shrub and she would carry on. And that's how it went for a solid ten minutes before we had reached the end of Pips neighborhood that led to a more busy street and just like I had expected she stopped dead in her tracks, but instead of doing as I had thought she stayed still and silent before spinning on her heel and facing my direction. I wasn't fast enough to bolt behind a tree, and besides there were no trees in sight.
"Ravi why have you been following me?"
"Ummmmm I'm not—-"I started but she cut me off.
"Do I have to spell it out for you? We're done as in DONE you said so yourself"she said casually and than her voice saddened and her next woods pierced my heart.
"maybe I am just like Andy , I don't deserve you just like Andy didn't deserve Sal. Goodbye Ravi."
And with that she turned the corner that led straight to the path that went into the woods. I was about to follow her, when I realized how pointless it really was and that we were officially done. So I began to walk slowly back to my car each step felt like a stab to the heart. I was almost to the end of the block, when a horrible gut piercing scream ran out loudly through my ears.
Pips scream
And so I ran as fast as I could back to the end of the road, and around the corner. The path to the woods was now in sight but something stopped me in my tracks. Pips phone, with its clear phone case holding a agggtm sticky note and a picture of them together both smiling and goofing off. A small white Honda speedily past me on the street and I was just quick enough to turn around and lock I contact with the driver, a man in a black mask. The license plate number however caught my eye but I was only fast enough to catch the first two letters, td.
I started to turn back, thinking I was mistaken and she had only dropped her phone.
Ill drop it off at her house, I thought.
I had only taken three steps when something stopped me in my tracks
On the sidewalk before my eyes were six stick figures although this time five of them were headless and the sixth head was covered in real duct tape.
And that's when it hit me, she was taken.
Pip was gone.

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