You were more than just a short time

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Ravi's pov:
We had taken care of most of the pain Jason had caused. I had taken pip to the police station and they had immediately launched a investigation into Jason Bell and released Billy Karras for his innocence in said crimes. Hawkins had assured me they would do all they could to make Pip feel safe again, but I knew nothing could erase the trauma she had been through. Pip had started to see a therapist, and told her family and friends that therapy had made her feel better, except for me. She told me everything, and the fact of the matter was she was getting worse. Sometimes I would have to come over to her house, sneak in her window through a tree, and sleep with her to allow her to get at least average sleep. Jason had still not been found and after thinking it through I was pretty sure he was out of the country by now and that he would never be found, but of course I never told Pip this. She told me she had nightmares about him sneaking into her room the way I do and than taking her back to that awful cleaning company to finish the job. I made her promise me she would call me whenever she felt scared or had thoughts about the whole ordeal, and that's exactly what she had done twenty minutes ago which was the reason I was sitting in the small coffee shop her best friend Cara liked, waiting for Pip to come in. The bells just above the glass door chimed, startling me from my thoughts and telling me Pip had arrived. The other customers in the shop immediately looked up and stared before launching back into whatever conversations they had been talking about before. I expected Pip to respond the way she always did to the attention and put on a fake smile, but instead her face was dead serious as she walked over to me at our table made for two. I examined her carefully, as I did every day since i had found her to see how she was healing. She had gotten a hair cut so that her caramel hair fell about five inches past her shoulders. She said it was because she had been meaning to get one but I knew she was trying to hide the chunks of hair missing from the duct tape. She had started wearing heavier makeup at least around her eyebrow area which I also knew was for trying to hide the chunks of eyebrow missing from the duct tape. There were dark circles under her eyes which she hadn't even tried to hide today with concealer which I noticed as she plopped down into the chair across from me.
"Hi sarge!" I said over enthusiastically trying to ignore the sad look in her eyes. It almost looked like she was sad for me which made no sense at all.
"hi Ravi" she responded dryly and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked, jumping straight to the point.
"um okay, so you know I'm leaving for Cambridge soon." She started.
I slowly nodded my head trying to get to the bottom of her odd behavior.
"well I leave in a few days and I well I was thinking it might be better for me and for everyone if I spend some time on my own for a while," she continued.
"Of course! I can still visit whenever you like," I told her.
"um that's the thing, I...I... I think it's best if I stay out of your life, you've been through a lot and I meant what i said a week ago during our fight Ravi I don't deserve you." She immediately looked down trying to hide the tears streaming down her face but I could see them clearly as they fell onto the table.
"but what about team Ravi and Pip! And of course you deserve me sarge! Where did you get such silly ideas?" I said brightly trying to avoid the truth that I could read from Pips face.
"let's face it Ravi whenever you look at me you'll think of Jason or Andy! Andy who is somewhat to blame for what happened with Sal. Jason is gone I already know he's not getting what he deserves anytime soon and I know you know it too. I can't be here until Jason is found. I'm sorry Ravi."
"But pip.....' I stuttered trying to come up with something that would make her stay, but I knew it was pointless. 'I love you, your the best thing that's ever happened to me trouble."
"I love you too, your the best thing that's ever happened to me Ravi Singh, bye Ravi." And with that she broke down into tears. I walked over to her and gave her one last kiss before she walked straight out of the cafe. She was more than just any girl, she was the girl. the girl who was more than just a short time. The girl who was supposed to be my forever and i had let her walk out a emotional wreck because of me. I just sat there at the table that was meant for the both of us, feeling half empty because Pip was what made me whole. Not long past before I got up and moved to my car where I let the tears take over me, and I began to cry, for hours and hours.
I would never see her again.
Or would I?

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