Say don't Go

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Ravi's POV:
The pieces floating around in my brain had begun to slowly connect together, I had no idea how Pip did it. I needed to see her, she had been through so much with and without me and I knew she was counting on me. It had been a week since she was last seen at the Tipsy Tap with her friends. A week in which she had been officially declared a missing person by officials, finally. They should have known from past experience where Pip had literally done their job for them that it was out of character for her to just get drunk and run away. Although this case was starting to actually lead somewhere it was still a race against time as I could only be gone from school for so long and my loan wouldn't last forever. My biggest lead; Jason Bell. Did it sounds crazy? Yes. Was it slightly impossible? Yes. But if Pip had taught me anything it was too trust my gut, but not get too obsessed. I had pulled up all the older police records on the case with most of the news articles having to do with Andy so not much help there. The records were on his previous murders and the victims, with not much information about his disappearance. The wanted information was also included if anyone were to spot Jason in public. I hastily copied it down just in case of any future emergency. My theory had a hundred questions that needed answering in order for it too add up so working quickly I continued to work through the facts. One down only 99 more to go.

It had been another day, another day which pip could've been killed or dead. The thought thought shivers down my body as I huddled in my warm winter coat just inside a small cafe a block away from Pips fraternity. After analyzing my theory I had finally worked out a rough turn of events that could have led to pip being missing. I scanned quickly through my work which I had typed up on my computer trying to make sense of it. Just by reading the first sentence the theory was already the most far fetched yet. I quietly read it to myself, "Pip has just left the Tipsy Tap and is out on a "late night walk" as she is intercepted by a third party, Jason Bell, a little farther down on the block of the pub. Jason quietly and quickly takes pip and takes her to a discreet location. I presume Pip was abducted somewhere around the apartment complex on the street of the bar or somewhere farther past the Tipsy. This all would have taken place between the time frame of 11:30-11:45, 15 minutes for all of this to take place."
Ridiculous, It was ridiculous. Yet it was my best lead and I was determined to do whatever it took to bring pip back safe and sound. I quickly checked my email upon reading my report on the status of my theory so far looking to see if my friend had replied with the enhanced image. My last email in my inbox read 9:25 AM. I small sigh of disappointment, before turning my head just in time to see a man in a black coat and hat walk into the shop. He had his head suspiciously low and was stooped over to obviously cover up his height.
There's something about him I thought....
I glanced back at my open laptop to check the time, which was still on my inbox. Suddenly a new box popped up and I realized I had just received a new email, from my friend. Within the email was a attached file that contained the enhanced image of the man!
Something was still of though....
And that's when the realization hit me. The man standing in the line of the small, cozy cafe just a few feet away from me was wearing the exact clothes as the man in the picture who appeared to look like a much older Jason Bell. My breath quickened as I saw the man examine the customers in the room and as his eyes fell on me, I immediately looked down. A few seconds past before I got the courage to look back up and I was just in time to see him race out the door.
"But sir, you coffee!" The employee called out.
It was now or never I decided. I quickly slid my laptop into my backpack and ran out the door chasing after the mysterious figure.
I'm coming Pip, I thought.
I just hope I'm not too late.

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