Team pip and ravi always, right?

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Ravis Pov:
I had arrived in New York yesterday via train. When I had reached my destination I had immediately bolted to Cambridge in hopes of being allowed into Pips fraternity as a "friend" of hers. luckily I had ran into a bubbly girl named Audrey, who was apparently Pips roommate. She had given me thirty minutes to investigate their dorm before she kicked me out because her boyfriend had come over. Unfortunately Pip had outsmarted me yet again which wasn't great for her case. She had kept no record of any events that may have led up to her disappearance nor had she kept any browsing history on her laptop besides the fact that she had been on the agggtm site the day she had disappeared. Her passcode for her laptop had still not been changed since the last time we had worked together on the DT investigation, which was a rookie mistake for her because I still remembered everything about Pip. I remembered how she liked her coffee, her favorite color, her favorite book, how cute she was when she was frustrated, her laugh, and her beautiful smile. How I longed to see her smile again and tell her about my regrets for not visiting her sooner.
Stop Ravi, she probably moved on anyway I thought.
But I still held onto the hopeful feeling I had in my heart that perhaps she hadn't.
After looking through Pips stuff it was clear that she hadn't changed much since she had left. She was still into investigations, just not the ones she had previously been involved in and she was still the same stressed out girl who had left me all those years ago with the addition of what Jason had done and how it scarred her. I had spoken with her roommate a little more about her new therapist but apparently Pip had ever only told her that their sessions were "fine". That was the problem with Pip. She was too private. Even before she had been taken by Jason she had only elaborated on her troubles and feelings with me. And now, now that I wasn't there anymore, she kept to herself completely. I couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming guilt cloud my mind. If only I had fought for our relationship more, she wouldn't be gone, gone again right now. I had used the money my parents had loaned me too pay for a hotel room not far from the fraternity, in hopes that I could make daily visits that provided me with more information than what I had right now. I had practically nothing to go off of. I had read news articles on her case over and over again for countless hours hoping on finding something that would bring me a step closer to finding her. All the papers said similar things about her celebrating her party at a local bar and than leaving to take a walk which was the last time she was seen. I did have a few facts which helped me with the case. The bar closed at midnight, and around midnight was the time Audrey had noticed she hadn't returned from her walk. That meant whatever had gone down must have happened between 11:30 and 12:00. That gave a thirty minute time window of which anything could have occurred which would have led to her sudden disappearance. I had already visited the Tipsy Tap five times in the last twenty four hours, questioning the employees on who had covered the night shift during the time of her party. So here I was yet again at 8:00 am on a weekend standing outside the Tipsy Tap once more. This time i had no intentions to go in, instead I would trace any possible routes pip could have walked along or intended to walk along during whatever happened happened. I had five current theories, on what could have happened and the only one that made the most sense was the one I hated the most. Pip could have been kidnapped again. It was quite a logical possibility because there were enough people in the world that hated her and her podcast which even though it had been released years ago could still be motivation for almost anyone in New York to plot a vengeful scheme. Pip was already vulnerable due to Jason Bells kidnapping of her which meant she wouldn't be a hard target to eliminate. I didn't want to think like that of course, but as of right now I was willing to assume any circumstance a possibility. There were only two routes pip could have taken which would have allowed her to return back to the bar in time for closing. It was a start, a descent start, but with it already being a day since my arrival, time was beginning to become my biggest enemy yet. I needed to find her, even though she may not want to see me, I just needed to. For myself, for her, for what we had two years ago. I needed to find her for us. For team pip and Ravi, because even though we had been miles apart for two years, I was the one who was supposed to protect her always. When I did find her I would bring her back home with me, because after all these years I had never felt so strongly in my life. I still loved Pippa Fitz-Amobi.
But did she still love me?

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