Like to be my old self again, but im still trying to find it

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Pips Pov:
It had been two years, two years since I had last seen Ravi Singh. Two years in which Jason Bell had still not been found. Two years of trying to get over my life in Fairview and failing time and time again. Two miserable years.
I had chosen to major in investigative journalism, and everything mentioned around the subject reminded me of fucking Ravi Singh. If only I could forget him
But that was the problem, I didn't want to forget him.
I want to see him again so badly, I need him.
I had nightmares, nightmares about Jason coming back for me and they had only worsened over the two years in collage. My roommate, Audrey, had caught me talking in my sleep one night we hosted a party at our dorm and I had fallen asleep on the couch. According to her I said a few words about some boy (Ravi of course), duct tape, a stalker, and being kidnapped. So I told her, I told her everything and luckily she had kept the secret but of course she wanted me to see a therapist again. Fortunately no one had heard the news about the small town girl who had been kidnapped by the father of infamous Andy Bell, or at least no one had noticed me because life was normal enough in New York. I had started working, to take my mind off of my emotional wreck of a life, at a nearby coffee shop. Not only had I blocked off all connections with Ravi, but my own family as well. They had invited me to stay during Christmas break, thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, my birthday, a random week here and there in the spring and once for my parents anniversary, all of which I declined. The last time I had texted my mom had been months ago, and she was the most recent contact I had in Fairview. I hadn't texted Ravi since, well since the coffee shop breakup.
Stop. I need to stop thinking about Ravi, I need to focus on the party
Tonight was yet another collage party, one once again planned by my party queen roommate, Audrey. This particular party was going to be special though, because it was mine, hosted in honor of my 21st birthday. Audrey had picked a bar a few blocks down from our fraternity, as I was officially turning of age. I was the youngest out of all my friends from Cambridge which consisted of Audrey, her best friend Bella, another girl who lived in our fraternity Mia, and Mia's roommate Bailey. Audrey had made sure to invite our friend group posey as well as her boyfriends friends and other girls we knew from around school. I had picked out a skin tight red dress with spaghetti straps with some cute black combat boots. I had tried to curl my hair my very best and I was currently sporting a football players jacket, John had given me. John had been trying to hit on me since I came to collage, but I had always made up the lie that I had a boyfriend outside of state, which wasn't completely dishonest as I had always hoped to someday get back together with Ravi. He had offered his jacket as a birthday gesture and I had no right to refuse because the pouring down rain made the usual cold air of night time New York even chillier than normal. The party was starting in thirty minutes, but audrey had insisted I show up early as the special guest. So here I was outside of the bar door preparing myself to walk inside and spend my official third birthday away from Ravi.

The party was fun. But that was the problem, there was something missing. Someone missing. I was currently taking shots with Audrey and her boyfriend, and I needed to take more to take my mind off of Ravi. So that's what we did for a good thirty more minutes of the party, but the bar stayed open till midnight. It was currently around 11:30, and my head was spinning most likely from all the alcohol. I decided it was time for some fresh air, so I clumsily stood up from my spinning bar stool and heftily made my way towards the door. I walked outside onto the cold streets of New York, the freezing cold rain drops stinging my numb shoulders and currently bare arms. I didn't mind one bit though because the pain took my mind off the boy who I knew was waiting for me to come home. The boy who had waited two years for me. The boy who I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I kept walking until I reached the end of the long block that consisted of the bar, a large apartment complex, a creepy alleyway where stray cats and rats made up the population, and a pizza place called Freschellis. I had just passed the apartment complex when I began to hear the squeaking splashes of footsteps, hot on my trail. Someone was following me.
I hadn't had experience with this in two whole years and so I did the only think that I could do, I ran. I quickened my pace, missing the door to the bar and turning down the alley way. I had just made the stupidest mistake of my life.
It was a dead end and based off of the approaching sound of footsteps I knew whoever was about to turn down the alleyway was definitely following me with purpose. I turned around just to see a dark silhouette of what must have been a man when I felt a cloth over my mouth and the next thing I knew the whole world went black.
The last sound that made a droning noise in my ear sounded like, "miss me pippa?"
Was I dead? No....
Not again.........

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