Spineless in my tomb of silence

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Pips pov:
I felt dizziness cloud my mind, and the only speck of light that I could see guide my eyes into slowly blinking open. I was still in my party attire, although my socks and sneakers were now soaked and covered with the grime that they had picked up from my little jog through the city. My dress felt tighter than before against my cold skin, which I had at first assumed was from the freezing cold rain but quickly learned just how wrong I was. I was in some sort of basement, formed out of solid freezing concrete. There was something tight wrapped around my hands, waist and feet which I could assume were bonds. I had not felt so helpless since, well since DT had taken me.
All the pieces were starting to fit together. Jason Bell had not been found in the two years he had been missing. Although I had discontinued the Agggtm podcast, I still checked the comments, just out of curiosity to see if Ravi had ever tried to contact me via the comments section because he knew I wouldn't respond to dms or personal texts. Of course Ravi had, but that wasn't the point. An anonymous email had been sending intriguing comments about how Jason should be found soon or else something bad may happen. There were plenty of anonymous commenters on the site and I had initially assumed it had just been a fan making up a silly story like others had. I guess I had forgotten what I had told Conner Reynolds, never read the comments. In an attempt to put any mystery sleuthing cases in the past I had overlooked the whole ordeal completely, allowing it to slip my mind. Another dumb mistake.
It was quite clear that someone had brought me here, someone had known that I was in danger, maybe even the same person who had put me in danger. I adjusted my position, spine flat against the cold floor, just enough to feel something odder than a tight restraint. I could feel the stickiness against my skin, the stickiness of duct tape. My whole body began to shake at once, and memories of the first time began to flash back. But why? Why would he come out of hiding when he had so barely escaped the clutches of the authorities? Why would he come back for me? True I had ruined Becca's life and had brought the hope of Andy being alive and snatched it away at the same time, but what had I ever done to him?
It didn't matter now. Nothing mattered now.
I could feel the fear creeping up my bones and making its way into the dark crevices of my mind. I was sure, if he didn't kill me that I would die of fear if that was even possible. Just than the steel, that's right, steel door of the room opened, as I could hear multiple locks and latches being clicked open and footsteps approaching my limp form. I would have fainted if I could see his face, but the fact that there was not any light in the room except for the glow that I could just make out under the crack of the door he had just come through made it impossible to make out his face. I gulped, everything would be ok, right? Ravi would come and..... shit Ravi.
He wasn't coming, he probably didn't even know I was gone.
The comments that had been under the agggtm podcast two years ago were right, who would look for me? Especially now. I was alone.
I had only lived because of Ravi, and without him I was dead.
"Nice to see you again Pippa " his cold voice echoed across the room, breaking the dark silence of the room.
I brought up all my courage to cough out a sheepish response, but it only came out as a muffle. My throat felt dry and there was yet again a gag covering my mouth.
" obviously my previous methods didn't work for you, so I've had to adjust my plans." His bone chilling words created a feeling of nothingness in my empty stomach and I could feel the fear make my gut soar from the pain it was causing me.
"either way pippa, this time, this time I can at least promise you one thing." He whispered into my ear.
"this time you will die, and this time I won't give you the time you were privileged last time to escape. Soon you'll die pippa." The feeling in my gut grew and my eyes started to feel wet with sadness, because I knew he was right. I watched as he descended back into the light of the outside world with small muffled sobs escaping my mouth. There was no use. No one would come for me. Everything in my life has been for nothing. No one would care when I was gone, they would just move on.
So with these thoughts in my head I finally decided to let the cold silence of the room consume me.
I had given up because this time I was really dead.

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