Everything has changed

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Pips pov:
I had sat there, tied up in that storeroom for days. I wasn't sure how long but it had felt like forever, and it was even worse because I knew what was coming, DT was going to kill me. He was going to wrap my face in layers of duct tape and leave me for dead, just as he did for his other five victims. He still hadn't revealed himself to me, but I was one step ahead of him as I had narrowed it down to Jason Bell or Daniel Da Silva. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the storeroom door opening and slamming shut, which gave me the chills. DT was back, only this time it wasn't the usual masked attire I was used to, it was Jason Bell. I had my suspicions about Jason, but after Andy's fate unraveled and Becca was sent to jail I just hadn't seen it coming. All the trauma and the guilt, and yet he still was prepared to kill another girl. I watched as her walked over to me caring a tub of duct tape, and the glimmer of hope I had for my future all washed away when he removed my bonds that tied me to the cold metal chair and shoved me against the wall. He retaped my hands to the back of my waist and removed my gag. He started the "taping process" by starting with one roll of duct tape and finding the start. As he pressed the beginning of what I new would be the end of me to the back of my head I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would come and save me, or better yet when I was gone I prayed Jason would get what he deserved, a life sentence for all of the suffering he has and will cause. He responded to my shrieking by simply pressing a smaller piece of tape over my mouth. It was freezing cold and the stickiness of the tape made my lips feel like I had put way to much lipgloss on and there was no way to take it off. Jason continued to wrap the tape around my head and I could feel my raggedy hair being tightly pressed to my scalp. Jason ran out of tape almost halfway down my face, because of how many layers he had covered my forehead and hair with. My eyebrows felt glued down, and as Jason resumed to taping my eyes, the world went black. I could feel the tape coming to a end as he tore the rest of the roll harshly away to break off the remaining tape from the mask that now engulfed my face, all except for a small air pocket just below my nostrils. He whispered something, or tried to that sounded like a, "no one will look for you now that your gone," but must have realized how hard it was for me to hear him because my ears had been briefly wrapped in the tape. I felt him picking me up in strong arms which I could not struggle out of, and being placed on the cold concrete floor. He tied me too a cold, cylinder like, metal object which I assumed was the pole that I had noticed when I had first been trapped in the room. His footsteps echoed of the cold walls as I heard him exit the room just as fast as he had entered before complete silence fell upon the storeroom once more.
I have to escape now, before he comes back to finish me off, I thought.
The air around me only turned heavier and warmer and I could feel myself slowly beginning to lose consciousness. I was just about to pass out when I heard the storeroom door opening again.
I expected to hear Jason's cold blooded voice when instead came the warm words of none other than Ravi Singh. His words melted into the little whispers I could make out from my tape covered ears and they sounded like, "Oh my lord, Sarge! Don't worry I'll get you out of hear i promise." Even with the tape covering my ears, I could hear the cracks in his voice as his words began to grow sadder and sadder and I could just make out the muffled sounds of crying. I could feel him now, he must have been right in front of me because even inches away from me I could feel the warmth of his body undoing the bonds that held me to the pole. He immediately began to search for the start of the tape that covered my face, and I too tried to help him but my hands were still tied together and I most likely couldn't have found the start to the mess of duct tape. Luckily, after frantically searching he must have found it because he gently began to pull the tape away revealing my greasy knotted hair and my eyebrows which I assumed were chunkier than before due to the ripping sensation I felt when he removed that part of the mask. "Sorry sarge this part is going to hurt," he said as he removed the tape that covered my green eyes and revealed just how scared I truly was to the boy I loved more than life. He finished removing the mask by giving one good pull. "I'll do the rest outside," he told me, giving me a kiss which must have hurt because of the duct tape residue still stained on my lips, as he picked me up because I could not walk due to the restraints still around my ankles. He hurried out the backdoor and around to the back exit of the gate, being careful to watch if Jason was making his return to the building. Fortunately, Jason still had not returned to finish me off as he had planned too so Ravi made a break for it. He sprinted behind houses and right onto the open road where his car was parked. He tossed me into the back seat, before sitting down right next to me and finishing off the job by freeing my swollen ankles and wrists. And that's when I let it all out. I burst into tears, of all the pain Jason had brought me, of the fear I had and still felt, and how relieved I was that Ravi had saved me.
"oh pip, it's ok, it's going to be just fine! But I'm so glad your ok I was so worried. I'm so sorry and I love you so much." He gently whispered before he too broke down into tears.
"I love you too," I whispered back in my scratchy voice.
And that's how it went for a solid twenty minutes before Ravi told me we were going to drive to the police station and that if I didn't want to we didn't have to. I insisted, and every word ravi spoke to me I savored, his voice consulting me. The only problem was it wasn't going to be okay because everything has changed. I was scarred for life.

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