No body No crime

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Ravis Pov:

Three days had passed now, and my concern for Pip was growing the more time passed. I had been sitting staring at the data on my laptop for the last hour and half now, rereading and rewriting certain peices of evidence I had collected here and there in hopes of my mind seeing something different that I had missed by chance. It must have been so easy for Pip, as I knew from experience of watching her solve cases. She reviewed all the clues and than everything just clicked and she would come up with a smart and logical answer to the problem. Well her and I were clearly two completely different people because her method was certainly not working the same way it did for her for me. I had managed to interview some of the attendants of Pips party as well as the employees of local shops she could have walked past when she had left the party. I had made some progess which at first I had taken as a huge accomplishment, but now realized it didnt narrow down that many possibilities at all. There was a large apartment complex built on the same long block as the bar and thanks to the fact that random New Yorkers had attempted to sneak into the apartments garage, which had worried the residents of possible roberies they had installed extra security cameras that overlooked the street. I had talked to an employee who worked at the front desk of the apartments lobby, and because of my status as a student studying to become a lawyer he had let me have a breif check of the footage of that night. Pip had indeed walked by the complex just seven minutes after the last time she was seen by Audrey, and after fast forwarding through it, she was never recorded walking back. There were countless possibilities though as she could have just as easily taken a different route which could have led to the bar or somewhere else. Lucky for me I had videoed all of the footage when the employee wasn't looking and had examined it when I came back to the hotel. Pip had been recorded coming back to the bar, just on a different camera. The time read 11:45 PM and by the looks of it she was running, running fast. The next part of the footage was blurrier which I found odd but was likely caused by the torrential downpoor that I was told happened that night by a friend of Pips who had willingly agreed to be questioned. I was just able to make out a figure who was recorded slowly walking by at around 11:46 PM who was as of now a suspect. I had enhanced the image of the suspect the best I could with him or her wearing a hood that covered their eyes, which did not help at all. If their eyes hadn't been covered they most likely would be identified by now because no two iris' are the same which would have narrowed all of this information down to one culprit. I had sent the enhanced image to a friend at university who was studying to become a detective, who had assured me he would get the results back to me two days tops. I had sent him the image yesterday which meant hopefully by tomorrow Pip would be home and by home I mean back in Fairview with me and her family, or was that stretching it? Maybe, maybe not, but as of right now all that mattered was getting her back safe and sound. Through all of this chaos the main thing that still managed to bother me the most was the poor job of investigating the police were doing. I guess they werent any different than those in Fairview. They had apparently just began their own search hours ago because when I had initially asked them about their efforts to find her they had simply responded by telling me it was quite usual for drunk collage kids to "get out" for a while. If I hadn't taken things into my own hands Pip would most definetly been doomed. After going through all the possible theories of what couldve happened to Pip there is one that keeps getting thrown around my head a lot. What if it was Jason? It would make perfect sense and since police officials never found him, we never did learn his motive for trying to kill Pip. But that was the problem, if Jason took Pip, is she dead? Would he waist time and not immediatly kill her? But there were questions that I had that also countered the idea like why would he come out of hiding with the risk of getting caught? Or what was his true motive? The idea in general had too many loose ends to be true as I had learned in law school, you need evidence to support the side you are fighting for, and as of right now this idea did not seem worth it. So, I decided to force myself to clear my mind of the nonesense of the thought, but little did I know that in the dark corners of my mind that little thought was growing into a huge solution.

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