Your losing me...

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Authors note: hey guys !!! Sorry to keep you all hanging i know it's been a few months but I've been caught up with school work !!! I'll try and start posting once a week again, love you guys !

Pips pov:
Footsteps. Footsteps pounding in my head, against the pavement as I tried to run from Jason. What must have only been days ago had felt like years and as I sat and awaited saving, I slowly began to lose hope. Jason had visited me at least once, I assume is a day. Wherever I was, was like a Cellar, dark, cold and meant to keep whatever it had within it a secret from the rest of the world. Unfortunately for me, I was the one in it. I couldn't help but wonder what my fate would be. If jason had wanted me dead immediately he would have no problem doing so, yet here I was lost in my overwhelming thoughts of dread and worry. A cold droplet of water trickled down my back, and fell into a puddle lying only a few inches away from me. The ceiling, as I had learned, had quite a few leaks in it which must have meant I was underground. Knowing this I knew better than to try screaming for help, which would have been impossible already with the dirty gag covering my mouth.
Id better same my voice, I thought.
I shifted, uncomfortably as anyone could imagine and closed my eyes. If there was a mirror in front of me I could presume I looked like a mess. I could feel mascara flaking of my eyelids as I hadn't even showed in the time I had been in here. To top it off my mini dress seemed to be getting tighter and tighter by the minute even though I hadn't had an actual meal in days. Footsteps. Pounding on the cement.
I opened my eyes.
But wait, I thought.
Those footsteps aren't coming from my head anymore, I let out a muffled chuckle.
Or am I imaging things?
Now I understand how isolation makes you crazy.
More footsteps. Pounding. Pounding. Pounding.
Oh my god I'm going insane! I thought.
However, a part of me had a good feeling about this, and since I hadn't had a feeling this hopeful in days, I decided to trust it. I mustered my last ounces of strength left in my body and shifted once more into an upward position. Inching myself as close to the locked door of the cellar as possible.
More footst—— and a thud. A loud thud sounded and that was the moment I realized the noises were coming from the ceiling. Someone was outside wherever I was and they were in some sort of chase. I concentrated my best, pushing out the swirling headache in my mind and listening closely for more sounds. Sounds of freedom.
But just as quickly as they had come they seemed to stop.
Footsteps. This time closer, louder, and angrier. Soon enough I could hear them stop and reach the door of the cellar. For a moment in time the world seemed silent. A pause before the storm. But just as quickly as it had been quiet, I could hear the Lockes being opened on the other side of the door. My breath quickened and my anxiety levels spiked higher and higher as the three other Lockes could be heard breaking open, falling on the floor. With a loud thud, the door squeaked open, the rust on the metal creating a deathly sound, like nails on a chalkboard. It was too dark to see or recognize the figure standing in the doorway. As I quickly scanned them, their height, the small facial features I could see from my perspective, my eyes widened and I let out a sigh of relief. However, I regretted all those joyful feelings when the figure in the doorway multiplied into two, one a little taller than me and the other the size of a full grown man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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