chapter twenty one

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I was walking with Ae Cha.

"So that's the bitch that got stuck with our king?" "She probably planned it all out and harassed him!" A group of girls glared at me while I was chatting with Ae Cha.

"Let's get our payback for our king."

"I heard you were found in a closet with Seung Ho" Ae Cha mentioned I groaned afterwards. "Please don't bring that embarrassing moment up" "so many girls would love that to happen to them you know" Ae Cha smirked at me.

"Well not me. It was nightmare" I nudged her, "oh shoot! I have to run to the office to pick something up, I'll see you in class!" Ae Cha waved at me and ran off, leaving me alone.

I was about to turn around until I was surprised by a group of three girls.

"Oh hello" I gave them a small smile "you," she shoved her finger in my chest. "Me?" "You planned getting stuck with our king, right??"

King..? Oh Seung Ho!

"Erm no. It was all an accident, but please excuse—" she shoved me into the wall. "Did you harsss him?" "What, no!" They started getting closer to me "listen here, bitch" the second girl grabbed my collar and pulled me.

"If you so dare touch Seung Ho.." "we'll fucking ruin you." I felt uncomfortable, I slapped her hand off of me "I didn't harass him" I stated "sure, you're always stalking him. You would definitely lock him up with you!" The third accused me of.

"My daddy is a part of the school board. So if you try to do anything, we'll get you expelled" they threatened me.

I stayed quiet, they shoved me into the wall again before they walked away. I winced, "that hurt my shoulder" I mumbled.

I can't risk getting expelled.

A few hours went by, we were in gym in our bathing suits. "Why are we learning how to swim with the upper class men?" I asked "well since our class is smaller than usual. They always put us with Ha Joon's" Ae Cha explained.

At least I can see Ha Joon's amazing body!

I blushed to myself.

"Welp, I'm gonna go sit down and watch the coach teach the newbies" I started walking away and I glanced at the water, I felt a pit in my stomach. I was scared as fuck.

I gulped, "what're you staring at?" I snapped at our if and looked at the tall, fir man in front of me. "Seung Ho?" "I asked what you're looking at" I looked at the water again, "uh, I felt..." I noticed the girl from before watching me.

Since when were they in my clsss? Or are they in Ha Joon's class?

"I uh, n-never mind—" I stepped back but lost my footing from the water all over the place, Seung Ho grabbed me from falling into the water "what's with you?" He pulled me up so I can get a better balance.

I pulled my wrist away, "nothing!" I sped walked away. I was about to leave the pool room until the girl grabbed me and turned me around, the other two had their arms crossed right behind her.

"We told you to stay the fuck away from, you attention seeking bitch!" "I was about to slip!" "Please, you were acting all weird! You just want him or worry for you!" The second girl yelled at me.

"I-I—" "and cause of that, we're going to teach you a lesson" they glared at me and walked away, I had my hands clenched.

I took a deep breath, and let it out. "Get a grip, Ji Hyun" I was walking back to the group, a boy ran up to me. "J-Ji Hyun," he stuttered "yes?" He caught me off guard "the coach want to meet you at the deep side" he explained.

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