chapter forty seven

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You arrived with Seung Ho.

"You guys came together?" As Cha came up to you guys. "Mhm," you nodded, you noticed Ha Joon.

"Hey," you smiled "hey," hey returned a smile.

"By the way guys, meet Kang Dae" Ae Cha introduced a boy to the group.

He was fairly attractive.

"Hi," he waved at you all. "Oh, hello!" You waved back, Kang Dae looked at Seung Ho, Seung Ho glared at him which made him look away immediately.

"Don't be scared of Seung Ho!" Bong Joon put his arm around Seung Ho pulling him down to his level. "He's a really nice guy! He just looks scary!"

Seung Ho narrowed his eyes and threw his arm off of him. "Get off of me" Seung Ho heard you giggle. "Really, Kang Dae. He's nothing to worry about, promise you, he's more of an ass than mean" Seung Ho scoffed.

"Is it pick on Kang Seung Ho for the whole day?" "I wouldn't mind" Ha Joon added his tease in as well. Seung Ho mumbled under his breath.

"Let's just go have fun!" Ae Cha exclaimed happily. Before you could walk away, Ha Joon grabbed your hand and held it, you smiled at him.

Seung Ho saw from behind, "jealous?" Kyung Seouk spoke quietly to him "about?" "About those two" Myung Seouk's eyes pointed at you and Ha Joon.

"Am I jealous of their relationship...?" Myung Seouk sighed "no. Of Ha Joon, because they've basically claimed each other" "they're not even official" Seung Ho excused. "Yet. You should make your move" Myung Seouk replied.

"What move? I'm not into someone who's gullible me dumb as her" Seung Ho pointed with his thumb, seeming annoyed. "Right. Seung Ho, everyone sees it, Ji Hyun herself might've seen it by now. You're so into Ji Hyun" Seung Ho stepped in front of Myung Seouk.

"The fuck you say?" "You're into Ji Hyun. Don't deny it to yourself, Seung Ho. You have been ever since you transferred to that school, you had eyes for her. You treat her differently from everyone else. You came with her."

"Cause she—" "she what? You like seeing her, you like being with her, you're comfortable with her. Just admit it. Seung Ho, Ha Joon wouldn't care about you if you didn't like her."

"But you do" Myung Seouk glared at Seung Ho. "As your friend, I'm encouraging you to say something to Ji Hyun before it's too late. Cause I know; everyone knows. Maybe she does too, that you make that girl's head turn, even a little from that Ha Joon."

Myung Seouk walked away to go talk to Ae Cha.

Seung Ho was speechless. He followed from behind.

Tell her? What do I even tell her? 'Ji Hyun, I like you. And I just found out I'm into you.'

Seung Ho sighed.

I can't. That'd be selfish of me.

You and your friends stop here and there to play the carnival games.

"Trust me Myung Seouk. I can easily beat you in that basketball game" Kang Dae pointed at it "you're on!" You and the other watched them compete against each other.

"Go Kang Dae!" You cheered him on "go Myung Seouk!" Ae Cha cheered her man, and as she should. "You should try cheering on someone, maybe Kang Dae, Seung Ho?" You asked "why should I? If he has you for that" Seung Ho said shady.

You look at him confused, "huh?" "Huh?" Seung Ho pretended stupid.

Why would I say that?

""What do you mean by that?" You scratched your head from confusion "nothing" Seung Ho disregarded it. "Okay!" You smiled happily, Seung Ho admired you.

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