chapter twenty three

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"Mmm..." I slowly started walking up, my vision became better. I was being stared down by an older version of Seung Ho and that spirit.

"Ahh!!" I screamed in their faces and sat up quickly. "You're finally awake" Seung Ho crossed his arm and seemed annoyed already, I noticed the spirit.

"Not you again," I complained "nice to see you too, Ji Hyuna" "it's Hyun. Not Hyuna" I corrected him and got up without any help. "Same difference" there was silence.

"So aren't you going to tell us why we're here?" Seung Ho pointed out.

The spirit is usually white and has its flow, but it slowly turned red this.

"You're both wasting time!" It shouted at us "neither of you have done anything! It makes me inpatients and it doesn't help the gods and I to choose!"

"Well you shouldn't have done this whole scheme in the first place!" Seung Ho raised his voice. "You little...! You don't understand how hard this job is!" The spirit complained.

"The gods choose it all! I'm just the one who carries the job! They chose you two because you both are fucking miserable."

Well damn. Some spirit he is.

"You both weren't suppose to die" the spirit finally admitted, "w-what!?" We were in shock "only you were suppose to die Ji Hyun" my eyes widened.

"What...?" I finally spoke "Seung Ho wasn't suppose to die. Only you, and you were obviously going to go through the same process as you are now, but since Seung Ho got in the way, they thought it would be fun for them to see you guys fight for a single life."

"They just love messing with you pathetic humans" he started to float higher, I clenched my fists.

I felt a huge feeling on my chat. Guiltiness. More than usual.

"So if I were you Seung Ho, I'd hate Ji Hyun and do anything to get my life back. Seung Ho glanced at me, I couldn't lol at him.

"I'm sending you back. So you both better start doing what you humans do be at, and become selfish and start fighting for this life. Or I'll pick, and you both won't like it."

I gasped for, sitting up immediately. "J-Ji Hyun, you're alright" Ha Joon was holding my hand tightly, I was on a hospital bed. "Where am I?" "I brought you to a hospital, the nurse at school thought this was out of her hands" I rubbed my head.

I winced, "careful. You fainted on the floor really hard and bumped your head" he slowly took my hand away from my head. He noticed my depress expression.

"Are you okay?" "Y-yeah. I just wanna go home" I tried getting off the bed but he stopped me, "you fainted Ji Hyun. You need to stay overnight so they can monitor you" "I don't wanna be monitored. I wanna go home" I shoved him carefully to the side and got off the bed.

Ha Joon walked up to a nurse to get the releasing papers.

I finally got home, I looked at the time. "I should still go to work" I got the chance to change out of my school uniform before leaving to the café.

I walked in, "hey you came right in time!" Gun Woo smiled at me while wiping down the tables, I didn't reply black and went straight to the back. Gun Woo came up to me, "are you alright Ji Hyun?" "Huh, oh yeah. Just hurt my head really badly" I smiled at him.

"Do you wanna go home?" "What, no. I'm perfectly fine, I can still manage to work" I gave him a reassured smile, he took my word and went back to work.

I lied my apron, and went to the front. The door opened, "welc—" I stopped my words from coming out, it was Seo Joon. "Ah, Ji Hyun, is it?" He came up to the counter "mhm," I nodded and gave him a small bow.

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