chapter twenty two

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I came up with his coffee and sat down with him.

"Should you be sitting?" "As you can see, this place is empty" I replied with a dry tone. "You come a lot to this café?" I asked "no. My brother just loves the coffee here and I'm just his errand boy once again. But it isn't bad coffee."

"Thank you. Make sure to rate us on Pely" I teased "how was that swim you took earlier at school?" I groaned. "Don't even bring that up" I laid my head down.

"I thought you can swim" he blew the steam from his coffee "I do. But..." I sighed "but?" "I automatically can't now?" "Automatically?" Seung Ho gave me a confused look.

"Yeah. I-I don't know anymore, maybe it's a sign that I'm going to die and lose the chance" I mentioned. Seung Ho sighed, "or maybe you're traumatized" Seung Ho pointed out, I was taken back.

"Why would I be traumatized?" "You died. How'd you die? You fell and drowned" "so? You drowned too, and you're not traumatized" "we deal with these type of things differently. I saw how you looked at that water, anxious. And I'm sure you wanna stay away from water as much as you could. Even more since you just drowned again" he explained.

Maybe... maybe I am traumatized.

"Ugh... you think we'll see the spirit tonight?" "I don't know. It hasn't shown up in awhile, and I'm glad it hasn't. All it brings is problems" Seung Ho coldly said.

I noticed a group of girls that were staring at inside through the window. "The hell?" They noticed that I saw them and ran away "what?" "Ah, nothing."

Seung Ho took his leave, and right after that Gun Woo came back. It started getting later.

Night was starting to fall, "good work today Ji Hyun. Just to let you know, the café is going to start getting more busier when winter starts coming" I nodded to show him I understood.

I got my school bag and left the café. "I'm sure I'll be able to catch the late bus in time" I yawned "wonder why I'm so tired. Maybe cause I drowned" I talked to myself, I heard foot steps behind me.

I turned around, and no one was behind me.

I'm sure I heard something... but I guess not.

I continued walking and took my phone out, I scrolled through it. I took my earbuds out as well getting ready to listen to music, "you bitch!" I was tackled down to the ground.

"The fuck!" I was in shock, and tried pushing them off of me. "I told you to stay the fuck away from Seung Ho!"

Not this bitch again!

She punched my face, I got a nose bleed, I rolled her off of me. I got up immediately, she stood up too, she looked at me with hatred.

"I fucking saw you two together. In that café!" "I work there! He's becoming a regular customer!" I explained, she took out a pocket knife, she swung it at me. It cut my cheek when I tried dodging it.

"You're doing this all for a guy!" "That boy is mine!" She tried tackling me but I punched her and she fell. It was silent. I held my cheek, hoping the blood stops soon.

I started hearing a noise from her, "what're you doing?" I asked worried for my own safety, she looked at me and bursted laughing, now I became really concerned.

"You punched me! Now..." she giggled "I'm going to get you sent to fucking jail!" She ran off.

Fucking shit!

I pulled my hair and punched the air.

"God fucking damn it!" I yelled out of anger "calm down Ji Hyun. Yelling won't fix things, she's probably bluffing."

It was the next day, I was heading to my class with Ha Joon since Ae Cha was absent.

"So what happened to your cheek? I noticed it this morning" he asked "ah, I'll explain later" I smiled, he slid the door open and we were surprised with two officers, a older man and the girl from last night.

"Ji Hyun, there you are" Ms. Nim had a worried look "uh, morning" I bowed my head. "Did you try killing my baby girl, Sun Mi!?" He shouted and his spit got on my face.

I wiped it off myself, "who is Sun Mi?" "Me," she replied crying.

So that's her name. Sun Mi.

"You fucking!" He raised his hand at me but Ha Joon pulled me away "Mr. Kwan" Ms. Nim stepped in "she's a minor" she glared at him. Her face became at ease when she looked at me.

"Did you attack Sun Mi last night?" "W-what? N—I mean yes but—" "you attacked her?" Ha Joon looked at me confused. "Yes but it was mutual!" I desperately wanted them to believe me.

"N-no! Daddy! She's lying!" She clung onto him and pointed at me. "Look at my Sun Mi's face! She has a bruise cause of you!" "She tried killing me with a pocket knife!" He scoffed.

"A pocket knife? Where would she even get that from!? Officers arrest her!" The officers walked closer to me "Kim Ji Hyun, you are under arrest..." they took me away from Ha Joon's hands.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You—" "the hell is going on here?" Seung Ho stepped in with Mr Min. Sun Mi's eyes glowed up.

Seung Ho gave me a look out of confusion. I returned a look of sadness.

"Mr. Min, I'm sorry. I knew we were going to have a meeting discussing about Seung Ho. But We're about to head to the principals office for Ji Hyun" she apologized.

"I-I didn't do anything!" I yelled, the officer sighed. "...You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for—" I was snatched away from them.

"Seung Ho!" Mr. Min yelled "where's your evidence that shows that Ji Hyun punched you" "I..." "exactly. Yet, Ji Hyun has a scratch on her face, maybe from resisting from you. If you did encounter last night, you must've had some sort of weapon. Because this isn't just a scratch you get from any type of nails" Seung Ho held my face observing the scratch.

"That area is always surveil-lanced. So before you come and arrest her, get your evidence right. And if you still want to take her.." Seung Ho's grip tightened.

"I'll make sure my parents have a word with all of you" "ah..." the father of Sun Min wiped his sweat away. "Seung Ho, the second child of the Kang family" he bowed his head. "I was going to meet up with your parents in two—" he cut him off.

"Don't bother. You lost your job the second you were going to arrest Ji Hyun" Seung Ho finally let me go. "Wha!? Officers!" The officers looked at each other.

"We didn't know they had cameras. We'll look at it and let you know. I'm sorry to disturb you Ms. Kim" they apologized "we'll walk you out" the teachers escorted the officers out.

"Why..." Sun Mi clenched her fists "are you obsessed with her!?" She screamed "Sun Mi, enough!" Her father yelled, she went quiet. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out immediately.

Ha Joon pulled me closer to him. "This is a one time thing, thanks. For saving her" Ha Joon thanked him coldly "they ruined my meeting with the teachers. I don't care about anything else" Seung Ho replied.

"You little—" I stopped Ha Joon "it is what it is Ha Joon" I smiled at him lightly and I turned to Seung Ho. "Thank you," "is he really going to lose his job though? It was only Sun Mi—" he cut me off.

"I don't want someone like that working with my company when I become CEO" "right..." "let's go Ji Hyun. We'll look for the rest of your class" I walked away with Ha Joon.

Seung Ho became dizzy and was about to fall but he got support from the wall.

But it wasn't enough, he fell to the floor.

"They might be in Mrs—" I collapsed to the ground.

"Ji Hyun!!"

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