chapter forty one

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I don't get it! Why do men act like that!?

You finally got back to class, "so where were you, Kim Ji Hyun?" Ms. Nim smiled at you but she looked mad. "Uh... I forgot my textbook! So I had to go back and get it!" You replied, she looked down at the juice stain, and sighed, "sit your bottom down, so I can resume my class!" You scurried to your seat.

"She kept asking for you" AeCha whispered to you "it's alright" you gave her a reassured smile.

"So as we know, final exams are in two weeks. And they're coming in fast..." Ms. Nim mentioned "I was young once too, and trust I hated exams as well. But please for the next few weeks until exams are over; study hard and pay attention in class."

School was finally over. You messaged Seung Ho to meet at your workplace.

"I have to go guys" you said "where are you going?" They both looked at you "work. I've been missing a lot of work and I need to catch up on my shifts. I'll text you both!" You waved to them and rushed away.

You entered the cafe.

"Oh, good afternoon Ji Hyun!" Gun Woo said while pouring some coffee for a customer. "Hey Gun Woo. Sorry for missing so much shifts" you went to the back and put your apron on.

"It's quiet alright Ji Hyun. I understand since you have a lot on your plate" you both heard the bell ring once someone enters, it caught both of your attention, and it was just Seung Ho.

"Ah, welcome!" Gun Woo smiled "do you wanna take this one?" Gun Woo asked you, you nodded. Gun Woo went to the back to his office, Seung Ho walked up to the counter.

"Why did you wanna meet?" "Once I get on my break you're gonna help me study for my exams" "but—" "no buts. I told you in school and besides I need a lot of help" Seung Ho didn't even try anymore.

"So go sit in that little corner. Would you want a coffee and snack?" "Sure" he put some cash on the counter "I'm sure you know what I like" he walked away, you scoffed. "Bastard," you mumbled "what?" Seung Ho looked back at you, "nothing!" You smiled innocently.

You made his coffee and got him a chocolate muffin, you walked up to him with them and set it down.

"I'm not some maid, you can come and get it yourself" you set your hand on your hip "I didn't even know it was ready, you didn't say—" you interrupted him. "You should know! You're the only person here" you glared at him."

Seung Ho looked at your wrist, "what're you staring at my wrist for? Creep" you walked back behind your counter. You saw Seung Ho get up and started leaving "Seung Ho—" he left.

"The hell!" "Is everything alright?" Gun Woo peeked out from his office door "yeah Gun Woo" you smiled.

Customers came in and out, and you kept the cafe clean while the cafe wasn't too busy or was empty.

You were cleaning the table and humming to yourself, someone came in.

" Seung Ho?" He was huffing like he was in a rush. "L-let me get you water!" You rushed to the fridge and got him a water bottle, you came to him and gave him the water opened.

He squeezed the water into his throat, he was very much dehydrated.

"Why are you in this state??" You asked, you were very curious. "" he was able to spit out his words, he handed you a bag.

You looked in it and took it out, "ointment?" "Yeah, for your dumb ass wrist" Seung Ho sat down tired "my... wrist?" you looked at your wrist "I hurt your wrist. And I know it hurts, you have sensitive skin. That's also why I took longer, I couldn't find an ointment that wouldn't give your skin a reaction, but I found that one."

"How did you know?" You asked softly "well, I've lived with you. We shared a bathroom, so I saw a lot of skin products and they all kind of shared the same affects I guess.. I don't know" you let out a snort. "Did you snort?" "N-no!" You stuttered embarrassed.

"I... snaugled" you replied "snaughled? The hell is that?" "Whatever! Thank you! I'll put it on tonight!" You went to the back smiling to yourself.

You walked back. "Are you on your break?" You nodded "let's study then" he took out his books so you didn't have to go back to the back again to get yours. You sat down across him.

"So what are you struggling the most on?" "English and mathematics" you replied "oh, those are very common people struggle on. Even the people who invented it" "wow, that's makes me feel a lot better" you said sarcastically.

"We'll start with English then, and we'll go up" Seung Ho put the English text book in front of you, "can you say this sentence?" "I'm not a child Seung Ho! I can read that! It's just some words like they're, their and... there. Get me!"

"And in math! Why does math have letters, why can't they stay with numbers only!?" You were already stressing before beginning, Seung Ho snorted "you just snaughled!" You pointed at him.

"You're complicating it more for yourself Ji Hyun" "look here, these words..." Seung Ho gently explained it to you,.

And when you didn't get it; he didn't yell, but it was obvious that he wanted to. He even stepped outside for awhile to get a breather.

But you appreciated that he didn't yell at you. He would've yelled at you before for sure. And that's when it hit, you realized how more patient he's became throughout this whole weird journey.

You watched his face how he explained things to you, "you get it now?" He asked "not fully, but more than before" he sighed from relief "At least you have a better understanding than before" a elderly couple came in.

"I'll be back!" You got up and went to go take the couple's order. Seung Ho watched you work, and how you gave the couple a gentle smile. You glanced at Seung Ho, seeing how he was staring at you but he looked away immediately, that made you smile.

"My, is he your boyfriend?" The old man asked you "huh, n-no!" You shook your head no "is that so? He's quiet a good one!" The wife said "shhh, honey bun."

H-honey bun!?

"You're making me jealous" "ho ho ho" the wife giggled. "Why, I thought you two were together" the women said and her husband nodded agreeing with her. "Oh... r-really?" You blushed.

"You two do make a pair" they both smiled at you. You smiled to yourself big "see how you smile, that's a smile of love. That's how I smiled whenever I saw my husband" "honey bun, really!?" He gave a big kiss to his wife on her cheek.

"You should go for it! I see how he looked at you when we came in!" The man noted.

How he... looks at me?

They both laughed together, I smiled at the cute pair.

I was able to get their orders and they walked out happily.

Seung Ho was scrolling through his phone, you watched him from the distance. You observed every feature of him, your heart was beating rapidly.

Do I li—...


Do I love Seung Ho?

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