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A/N: Wow, wow! Thank you all for your reviews, I have so much fun reading them and getting to see your reactions of certain things. Now, THIS chapter. Oh my... It's barely a glimpse for what's to come, but good things take their time to develop, so let me know what you get from it. Enjoy.

"This is an old seaman's trick. The fish skin helps staunch the wounds and heals the flesh a lot faster." Zeff explained while applying it to the open skin of the body laying over the table.

"Is he gonna be okay?" The boy with the headscarf asked with a severe expression. Sanji tried to keep a neutral face as he supported the old man in the process.

"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. He's lost a lot of blood." Zeff told them, "It might be too late for him."

"But it might not be." Luffy said with a frown.

"He's got one foot in each world right now, caught between life and death... You have to find a way to keep him tethered to our worlds. Talk to him. Tell him stories. Sing him sea shanties for all I care. He may not reply, but at least he'll now his crew is still with him." They all stared down at the pale man, looking more and more like a corpse.

"Someone should go looking for Coral." The ginger woman muttered.

"Yeah, someone should." Luffy nodded, his eyes not moving.

"Yeah, someone should..." The other boy replied.

Zeff met Sanji's eyes. It was obvious that in their states, none of them were in their right minds for the task. They were in shock, frozen statues, surrounding their fallen mate. Sanji uncrossed his arms and nodded once, before he left in search.

The girl wasn't hard to find. From what he'd heard she'd ran away at the sight of the consequences of that final blow. He visited the docks when he needed to unwind, so he thought maybe he would find her there. Indeed, she was kneeling too close to the edge when he found her, harshly rubbing her hands in the sea water.

"You alright?" He asked delicately, walking as if approaching a wild animal. Not a wild one, a wounded one. She turned back around in a sudden act of trying to look composed, but never stopped washing her hands, Sanji observed.

"That looks like it could burn." He commented. Her hands were red and considering the sea salt... She ignored him. "I was looking for you."

"P-please, just go." She snapped, with an almost begging tone, but this time she was purposely avoiding his face. Sanji took a deep breath, placing his hands inside his pockets, and droned:

"It's about your mate Zoro. Come, let's go-"

"Is he...?" Her voice was frightened but weak.

"No." He pursed his lips. It shouldn't be him delivering this sorts of news when he barely knew the girl. "But he's delicate. Come see-"

"I-I-I-I can't. I-I-I c-can't see h-him right now."

"Why not?" He frowned.

"I don't want to." She was blunt. His frowned deepened even more, but it was clear she needed a moment.

Sanji remained standing next to her until she was ready. It took a while, two cigarettes later in fact, and he wasn't exactly a quick smoker.

During that time, he allowed himself to observe her from behind. Instead of the oversized men clothes he'd seen her in the day before, she was wearing a simple blue gown, its color mirroring the sky on a clear day, but the pink scarf around her waist remained. If it weren't for that and she weren't washing her hands in the sea, he could've easily mistaken her for some of the wealthy folks that frequented their restaurant.

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