39: Everlasting

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We didn't leave that bed for ages. Every time I glanced at him spread out beside me, every time I caught sight of that strand of sunlight between us, my basest desires reared their head. He was no better. One eyeful of my bare thighs, or my soft breasts, and his self-control was completely forgotten. Eventually, we stopped trying to hold ourselves back.

Hours later, the door closed as Tamlin stepped back inside the room, and my eyes shot open. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep, but as I glanced at the tangled sheets around me, I snuggled deeper. The sheets were soft cream, the pillows thick and plush, and my body sunk into the mattress in a way that made me never want to rise.

I glanced over at my mate, at the hands full of clothes. Watched him move to the desk to set them down—

And throw his head back with deep, rumbling laughter.

"What is it?" I mumbled sleepily, reaching out to him.

He just chuckled as he set the clothes down on the edge of the desk and returned to my side. A soothing hand combed through my hair. My eyelids became heavy once again, and I tugged on his arm, wanting to stay here forever.

The fading sun had painted Vernia in an iridescent glow. It cast Tamlin in such a stunning light that Helion himself would shake with jealousy. Perhaps it was just the mating bond talking, but Tamlin Vernal was a true work of art, more glorious than anything Feyre could ever paint.

A bronze tan had returned to his skin in the last few days, just as color had returned to mine, and I knew it wasn't from our day spent under the sun in the Day Court's Fashion District. It was that vibrant, ever-present connection between us, bringing us back to life. He had always been stunning, but now... now, I wasn't sure High Lord did him justice. He was a god in his own right.

His voice cut through the silence, a welcoming sound. "As much as I love the sight of you lying naked in my bed... our duties can't be put off forever."

Everything inside of me recoiled at the thought of leaving the Spring Court, especially when it meant that I would have to resist the urge to drown Tamlin in kisses every few minutes. Especially when it meant having to leave this bed.

"How are we expected to get anything done? Ever?" I wondered, only half-joking as we rose from the bed and dressed ourselves again.

I drifted over to the desk, finally realizing that the clothes Tamlin had brought were new outfits for me. The top fabric was a dress of hunter green that matched Tamlin's tunic. Below that, fighting leathers had been folded with obvious care. I held them up in front of me, gauging whether they would fit.

Tamlin's chest brushed against my back as he kissed me on the neck. "Either choice would be appropriate. I had the clothes designed to fit you perfectly."

Black fighting leathers to match the colors of the court that I had called my home. Practical and efficient. Or a gaudy dress that rippled with femininity. The choice was obvious.

"Thank you," I breathed. "Not just for bringing the clothes, but... for giving me the freedom to choose."

I picked up the fighting leathers and turned to him. He noted the choice of clothes and smiled, but it came a beat too late. The look was purely for my sake, to know that he accepted this choice, even if he'd hoped for a different outcome. Even if he hoped I would choose the colors of his court instead.

"I've worn Illyrian fighting leathers for over a century," I explained. "I always thought they would be the only thing I wore, even when I retired from the army." Tamlin nodded—and froze when I handed them over. "I'd like you to return them."

He stared at me, at the clothes, and back again.

"Please," I added.

"Are... are you sure?"

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