Entry 5

21 5 0

14 year old...

23 November, 2009

Thursday, 2:35

I haven't been writing because of mid terms. The syllabus was as huge as a mountain but we got done with it somehow. The result came today, it wasn't surprising my grades are constant in few subjects and falling in others. No improvement as my mom said, she wasn't too content with my performance as always. When i was a straight  A student and now when i am a average student, the reaction her face holds is nothing different, it's the same repetition years by years.

 The class president topped again and my mom yet again compared me to how Soeah was an Ideal student, daughter and many other things. How well she managed her liking with sports and studies while having this pretty face and personality blah blah and blah. The list goes on and on and never freaking ends, honestly it is true...whatever she does, she aces it. Sometimes i envy her not because she is so annoyingly perfect but cause maybe..... just maybe if i was anything like her, mom wouldn't have to deal with a disappointment like me. Life would be so much easier. There are times i think about this a lot but is there something  that can be changed?...This is just who i am, how much ever i try. The expectations are draining me even more...

I wish you could see this too mom and for once.... love me for me...perhaps?..

Till then see you dear Yuqi...


It's something that i suffer as well, the expectation and stuff....this genuinely came from my heart:)

I apologize for any typo spelling error or grammatical mistakes

Thank you for reading...

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