Entry 13

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16 year old...

20 December, 2011

Tuesday, 10:30 pm          

Here i sit weeping for the biggest loss i have ever experienced in my sixteen years of life. Grandpa left us today...my grumpy left me today. I screamed at death as if death could hear me...the agony of losing someone so precious to me is too much to handle. I hate every bit of my fate for taking away the only person who believed in me from the day i took my first breath, the person who gave me this name 'Yuri', the person who was always on my side no matter what. Now what do i do?...i am left alone, there is no one there for me. How will i be able to sleep knowing this harsh reality? 

As much as i don't want to write this right now but i have to cause this is what he wanted...for me to write down each and every thing here. Relatives are leaving, the house is getting emptier....i see his frame hanging across the wall and all i am wishing it to be a bad dream. A nightmare...

Now i know why you always told me to be strong grandpa, you knew that i would need the strength to bear your loss... Hope your in a much much better place...I'll love you forever.

Till then see you dear Yuqi...


Missing mine... :(

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