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8 November, 2012...17 year old.

Yuri's POV,

"You're surely going to do well...have faith Taehyung" I am currently observing the most stressful Taehyung i have ever seen. He cannot seem to stay still and is constantly pacing back and forth in the dressing room.

"Faith my ass"  His level of stress is evident by the fact that he is  biting his nails and even uttering curses, which is something he only does when he is pushed to his limits.

"I don't know why you're thinking too much...Come on you're Kim Taehyung, the best captain this team could get. I already know the trophy will be our's" I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to boost his confidence.

Today is the big day - our school is hosting the annual sports festival this year. Taehyung, as the captain of the boys' football team, is feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. This event is a big deal for both the school and the students, and the pressure is intense. The atmosphere outside is electric, with teams from other prestigious schools all vying for victory. Everyone is hoping that their school comes out on top and so are we.

"You know they are new members on the team and your so called Jungkook friend. I swear if they mess up" He massaged his temple in worry. 

"Taehyung, the girls" Jungwon, a former member of Tae's team, abruptly interrupted our conversation with a worrisome yell as he rushed into the dressing room. He appeared to be in a rush and was heavily panting for breath.

 We chased after Taehyung as he quickly descended towards the ground. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the female football matches were in full swing. Our school's team was facing off against their arch-nemesis, the most hated rivals. The rivalry between the two teams had been brewing for years. 

This opposing team had gained a notorious reputation for their underhanded tactics, relying on cheating and deceit to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents, yet they have never been disqualified despite numerous attempts to negotiate. Our school had never tasted victory against them, especially when it came to the female team and this year we were all rooting for it.

We reached there on time and and I noticed that they were just one goal away from securing the trophy. I stole a quick glance at Taehyung, who had an wide smile on his face, his gaze fixed on the ball as it was being passed between players, eagerly anticipating the moment when it would find the back of the net, much like everyone else in the crowded venue. It was  filled with students from different schools, all proudly donning their respective team's jerseys to show their unwavering support.

"The ball is passed onto the captain, Min Seoah who is charging towards the net and successfully scores, naming the trophy to Jongdae High school and marked their tremendous first win against the female team of Minhwa High school" The commentator's high pitch voice booms over the loudspeaker in excitement. The crowd erupts in cheers as she takes the shot, and the ball sails past the goalkeeper and into the net. She really did it...

The field was filled with the joyful cheers and laughter of the students, as they ran towards the ground to celebrate the long-awaited win. 

But something more unbelievable happened right before my eyes.

"W-wow...I-i can't believe this" I looked up to halt my tears.

A sharp pang of pain piercing through my heart  as I witnessed Taehyung running in her direction, hugging her petite frame tightly, as soon as she scored. The atmosphere around me seemed to amplify with the sound of cheers and hooting, as the scene unfolded in the center of the ground.

It was unbearable for me to continue witnessing the scene any longer. Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, I quietly slipped away into the vacant dressing room once again. The joy and elation from the victory had long faded away, leaving behind a void. 

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