Entry 10

20 4 0

16 year old...

5 July, 2011                                                                                                                                                                                Tuesday, 2:15 pm

Hospitals....oh i hate them so much, it smells disgusting and while being here the smell is lingering on me as well, my body, clothes everywhere. I guess i'll have to shower at least three times to get it off me.

Anyway according to a certain someone, i have been found passed out in the biology lab. I clearly remember going there to get my glasses after all i am practically blind without them and i don't know what happened i started being able to feel my heart jumping out of my chest plus my hands felt clammy. I nearly thought my end was near and a grim reaper will appear out of nowhere to take me with him. I could feel myself conscious ,it was just my vision which got fuzzy at first turning pitch black in matter of seconds until i passed out completely.

That was stupid to think cause here i am sitting on a hospital bed perfectly well but it would have been fun if that grim reaper appeared lol. I woke up this morning clad in this grey crappy gown confused as to why hell looked like a hospital room. Thanks to this certain someone who found me and got the teachers on time. I would have been even happier if he didn't find me though...well being dead was better than studying for finals...whatever. He got his leg sprained while taking me to the clinic...i am not that heavy i swear, he is just clumsy to let his leg twist while carrying me. Luckily he got his ward right next to me...it's less boring this way.

Sorry for keeping you hanging but that certain someone was Jungkook...ironic isnt it. He happened to be passing by and saw me drop on the floor. Wonder why i keep crossing paths with him in these unusual situations. I am grateful nonetheless...

Till then....see you dear Yuqi.


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