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The same day,

Yuri's POV,

As the sun rose in the morning, its gentle rays filtered through the window, casting a pearly glow across the room. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my feet as I placed my diary on the table next to my bed. I glanced over at Jungkook, who had his arm propped on the pillow and his head resting on his hand. He was looking at me intently, but as soon as our eyes met, he swiftly closed his eyes. Is he pretending to sleep?

"I saw you okay?" I laughed at his embarrassed look.

"What's that?" He started off changing the topic as his index finger pointed at the diary i just kept away.

"Oh that...i like to write down my random thoughts sometimes" I tried to smile but it  probably came out awkward.

"That's impressive actually"

"Yea well...its more like a habit now" I said.

"How's your leg though?" He observed his leg before shrugging as if it doesn't matter at all.

"It's alright"

 I was on the verge of speaking something, the entrance of this huge room abruptly swung open with a forceful motion, startling not only myself but also the other patients. In that moment, I felt a surge of frustration towards whoever had caused this disruption. However, before I could fully process the situation, I found myself being enveloped by the weight of another person, their presence almost overwhelming. It was unmistakably Taehyung, his familiar and intoxicating musky scent momentarily captivating my senses. He held onto me tightly for what seemed like an eternity, prompting me to vigorously pat his back in an attempt to free myself from his grasp.

"Are you trying to kill me Tae?" I breathed out while fixing my clothes.

"You don't get to say anything....Why wasn't i informed that you fainted and to make matters worse you had to be admitted in a hospital?" He was being serious...dead serious. This isn't great.

"I know I am sorry Taehyung...i didn't get the chance to text you" He sat down next to me. I was remorseful because we always share about these kind of things since he gets really protective over his friends and this thought slipped right through my mind.

"Sorry?...that's all? How many times i have told you to take your meals properly and not stay up all night completing those assignments...look you passed don't you care about your missed lectures huh?" He nagged angrily.

"I do...stop yelling at me...i didn't die okay"

"Wow Yuri" He said "you don't really care do you?"

"Taehyung i am fine...Dont worry too much" I was getting irritated now.

"Yeah why seems you got someone else to worry for you" He eyed Jungkook who was silently watching our drama unfold.

"What do you mea-.....Tae?" He had his eyes cover with his long bangs and his head hung low. I couldn't really see his face.

"look at me please" I requested and he fixated his eyes on me. His lower lip quivered. His eyes seemed to lose their sparkle. And a tear rolled down his cheek.

Instantly, I embraced him tightly, holding onto his shoulder tightly as he clung onto my hospital gown. Despite the pain from the stretched needle in my vein, I tried my best to suppress any sign of discomfort. In an effort to comfort him, I rested my chin on his head and gently stroked his hair. As his sobs grew louder with each passing moment, he returned the hug before eventually letting go. Seeing his red, teary eyes and runny nose, my heart shattered. His tears always had the power to break me.

"I lost it when i heard you fainted and i wasn't there...i was afraid that something may happen to you like last time-" He said gasping for air.

"Shh shh...See i am all better now and i can go home in the evening...i just had low blood pressure. It's not a big deal." I tried to reassure him.

He nodded and finally gave me his famous smile.

I felt bad for Jungkook  as a matter of fact  he was the one who helped me and  even got hurt himself, most of all he didn't deserve to be treated that way. I looked at his side to apologize on behalf of Tae but to my dismay he already had his curtains drawn. I sighed...maybe next time.

. . . 

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the sky transformed into a brilliant shade of yellow. I am eagerly anticipating my release from the hospital after undergoing several procedures. A sense of relief flowing through my body cause the only thing i was worried about was the same symptoms kicking in. I don't want people around me to suffer like that ever again.

Few minutes ago,

Dr. Kang let us know that we were free to go at this point. Although my home is just a short twenty-minute drive from here, I'm still feeling a bit lightheaded. It seems like calling my mom is the only option I have at the moment. I have a pretty good idea of what will unfold, but deep down, I'm still holding onto hope that she will understand and actually make the effort to come and pick me up.

"Hey mom, could you pick me up from the hospital near my school?" I bit my lip anxiously while Taehyung sat in front of me anticipating her reply.

"Yuri sorry i am stuck her-" I heard some shuffling on the side and a beep echoed through my phone signalling she ended the call. There was a another ding and it was a text from her.

Taehyung had a twisted face and i could tell he was probably cursing her terribly in his head.

"You know how much i hate your mom right now" He emphasized on the word mom.

"We both know that very well, let's go" He supported me by holding my arm, guiding me to his dad's car.

Tae insisted to drop me off at my place since my mom decided to ditch picking me up last minute due to a emergency meeting, well dad barely showed up at home so there was no point expecting him to show up here either. I wasn't surprised but disappointed as always.  

Great parents, i know right..

We rode the elevator down to the lower level, which is where the parking area is located. I am very familiar with this place, as well as the staff, nurses, and especially the doctors. I have been admitted to this hospital numerous times, so much so that I have lost count. It has become a regular occurrence for me to visit the doctors here once or twice every month, although not for a routine check-up. Unfortunately, dwelling on the reason behind these frequent visits only brings me pain and adds to my ongoing suffering.

I couldn't help but find my mind wandering to Jungkook, as I realized that I hadn't seen him since the incident with Taehyung. It seemed as though he had disappeared, and I couldn't help but feel concerned for him. I made a mental note to approach him at school and discuss what had happened. After all, we had an important project to work on together, and it wouldn't be the right time for things to become awkward between us.

I stopped midway and taehyung searched my face as if i got hurt somewhere, that almost made me smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked worry evident on his face.

I nodded "I think you should apologize to Jungkook"

I hate misunderstandings...

I have been avoiding discussing this matter until now because Tae had a different perspective, which left me feeling confused. I was worried about what he might say next, so I didn't push the topic further. Despite of that, I believe it is now necessary for us to have this conversation.


What are your thoughts on this one?

Thank you for reading...

Imagine us in Heaven || KTHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon