Chapter 4

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My cat is a nuisance sometimes I swear, but I love him anyway.



"Did you seriously think you could get away, Ocean?"
Any words are stuck in my throat at this moment. Thoughts run rapid through my head at what he's going to do. I stabbed him with a nail file. I don't even dare turn around. Something pricks my skin and then everything goes dark.

My eyes open and for a second everything is foggy. And then I remember. Kidnapped, Sam's brother, nail file, nowhere to run. When I take note of my surroundings, I find Alistair at the foot of the bed with a wicked grin on his face. His arms are folded and I could see where the blood had dried around where I stabbed him. He didn't even bother cleaning it?
I try to scram away from him but it doesn't work. My hands and feet were tied to the bed. It's now that genuine fear begins to creep up my spine.

"Didn't I say there would be consequences? You really just don't listen. I think I've been quite nice but, no, it's not enough so I get stabbed in the arm!" He says it almost sarcastically rather than with anger, and that scares me more.

"Nice?"I scoff. "I'd hardly say holding an innocent girl against her will is nice."

His jaw ticks. "I'm nice enough to make sure you're comfortable. But maybe I am doing a little bit too much. I guess you found the cell more enjoyable." Now my jaw shuts. I advert my eyes away from him because he knows exactly what he's doing. It's as if holding a person captive is routine for him. And it wouldn't surprise me if it was.
"I asked you a simple question, so please enlighten me with an answer before things go even worse for you."

"What do you want from them? Sam's family didn't even hurt you."

"You wouldn't understand. And what I want is to know what they're planning on doing. Why couldn't I locate them and why did I get you instead?"
The way he worded it is almost like he didn't want to be bothered with me at all, and I can't seem to figure out why that stung.

"Try me. I may not be the smartest but I'm certainly not dumb."

"It's none of your business."

"Then I guess my answer is none of your business."

He has a look of pure annoyance, but his eyes are soft and haunted. What did they do? "My friend has two twin girls. They're three. We were celebrating their parents's wedding."

"Wait, I remember that. I knew about it, but I didn't know how close they were to you." His gaze turns angry. "I promise I wasn't on board with it. And I didn't know about what your father did until after the fact when Sam told me."
That's awful, and I understand why he's upset about it. I don't condone hurting children, no matter your reasoning.

"That day was hell for all of us, and I'm determined to set it straight. So I'm expecting an answer. Now."

I sigh. "You shot your father."

"No I didn't, I missed."

"I'm pretty sure you never miss. You got him in the leg, and with age his other leg grew weak. The doctors couldn't fix the damage."

His eyebrows shot up. "Is he dead?"

"Sorry to burst your bubble," I chuckle, "but no. It'd probably be better for you if he was though."


"He's in a wheelchair. He can't walk, and he's pissed about it. He wants his own revenge," I tell him. "They don't just want you back, but he wants your friends dead."

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