Chapter 13

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I want to wish all of you a merry Christmas and happy new years! I will be with my best friend next week so there will be no updates until after new years. Happy holidays :)



I woke up to a silent house. Eerily quiet. I knew I shouldn't be walking but I had a feeling something was wrong, so I forced my body to move. The first few steps were agonizing, everything in my body burned. I fell against the bed and grabbed the bedside table. I made slow progress toward the stairs, which would be way easier going down than up. When I was down enough to see the penthouse, confusion and worry clouded my mind. Alistair was nowhere to be seen.
I struggled making it to his bat cave but that was empty too. Where is he? The door opened and I whirled around hoping it was Alistair. I fell in the process, accidentally hitting my head against the bookshelf.

"Carina!" Terra called. "Oh my god, Wesley help her!"
Wesley ran over and carried me to the couch. He checked my head to make sure I wasn't bleeding.

"Probably a concussion. What the hell were you thinking? You could've seriously been hurt or reopened your wound."

"Where's Alistair?" I was beyond worried now. And their expressions only made it worse.

"He went to Matthias. He hurt Sam again, and Wolfe was tired of it. Also, since when was his name Alistair?"

"His entire life. He asked me to hide it whenever I was around you all, but that doesn't matter to me anymore." I got off the couch, struggling to stand. Wesley tried to sit me back down but I refused.
"We're going to find him."

"We are not doing anything," Terra replied.

"Please! Matthias will kill him you know that. Elio and Dante can only do so much. He's in a death trap."

Wesley forced me to sit down. "I will go over and make sure he's all right. I promise, but you need to rest. I'll have Tessa and Christian come help watch over you. Tessa's dying for something to do anyway."
I saw how much she struggled without her girls around. Their parents took the children to keep them out of Matthias' reach.

"Fine, but you will let me know if he gets hurt. If I don't have updates from you nothing will keep me away."

He nodded, "I promise."

"Thank you," I said sleepily as I drifted off.


"You're stupid and reckless for this," Dante sighs. "But we'll help you."

"I appreciate it. Can I see Sam?"

Elio shook his head. "Matthias doesn't even give us access to her. She's locked up and only he knows the code. Trust me, we've tried. The only other person who could get to her was Emiliano, and well..."

"He's dead," I finish. "Damnit!" I was growing more frustrated. If he found out I was here, he'd go straight for her and I wouldn't be able to do anything.
"I have to keep a low profile. When can I get to him?"

Dante shrugged. "I'm not sure. He does have a meeting with a potential ally in about fifteen minutes. We both have to be there. We can come up with a lie to bring you to him."

"A meeting," Elio suggested. "He won't see it coming, and he won't be suspicious. We just tell him someone else has shown up who's interested."

"That could work," Dante agreed.

"Perfect. Just give me a time. But what about his men?"

The two smirked at each other. "We got that covered. You just stay here until we come for you."

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