Chapter 11

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I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!


"Run!" I heard Castiel's voice as he ran to the door, gun in hand, trying to find Emiliano. "Carina!"

I groaned. My ears were still ringing, and I knew I didn't have long. The smoke was already becoming too much, and fire nearly surrounded me everywhere. I struggled to get up, but I made it to my feet. As I hurried toward the elevator, the floor above caved in. I jumped back but the main exit was blocked off. I wasn't going to make it in time. My chances were slim if I didn't find an exit, otherwise I had to wait for rescue. I spotted a cracked window. From the third floor, odds weren't great but better than dying from smoke inhalation.

"Help. Help!" A low voice grew louder with panic and I tried to see through the smoke and flames. Over by the counter was a person pinned by a piece of the floor above us. I ran over, and began pulling it off of her.

"What's your name?"

"Bexley, but call me Bex."

"All right, Bex. Let's get you out of here. Hold on tight, and just trust me, okay? Everything will be okay."
She nodded, clinging to me with the desperation of staying alive. Through my earpiece I heard the concern of my friends and it only gave me more motivation. I trusted the process, and with the encouragement we both knew wouldn't last long, we jumped. That encouragement slipped into the air and panic set in, but it was too late to turn back.



"I want you to wear this at all times. Do not take it off, do you hear me?" Alistair's voice was hard, the decision set in stone as he adjusted the earpiece.
I agreed, knowing it was for the best. Alistair was going a little overboard on the protection detail, but the numerous men he'd have standing by were necessary if Emiliano decided to bring backup.

What made me nervous was the fact that I would be on the third floor of a five story building. Emiliano formally invited me to an evening party at a hotel ballroom downtown. Christian checked out the guest list which included mostly civilians. If he planned on having armed guards around, he wouldn't add them to the list to be revealed. For precautionary measures, Alistair used the floor plan to devise a strategy that involved his men entering like swat going floor by floor and taking out anyone helping Emiliano. Castiel would be my personal bodyguard, pretending to be my date.
I'm sure Emiliano is familiar with Castiel and his position, although Alistair doesn't seem too worried about that part. Perhaps it's because of how large and skilled Castiel is. I'm still overjoyed with his nickname, which Terra had given him.

"I want a gun." He seemed taken aback, because he didn't immediately object. Maybe he was considering if it would actually be a good idea.

"No. That's what Castiel is for."

"Alistair, I want a gun. I know how to use it."

He sighed. "Fine. You're wearing a dress, how do you plan to conceal it or will you just go in swinging it?"

"Swinging it seems fun," I teased. His eyes narrowed. "My thigh, the fabric is loose below the hips."
The dress revealed most of my thighs, but was long enough to cover the weapon strapped to my leg with a black lace band. The halter straps tied in a bow at my neck, leaving the back open. Tight against my torso, it was scrunched up at my ass before falling loosely around my legs. The deep red fabric showed my cleavage in a low v-neckline. Overall, it was gorgeous. I was unsure why Emiliano wanted to meet me at an extravagant party with socialites and drunks.

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