Chapter 8

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It feels so nice today.



"So," I said through gritted teeth as my hand clasped tighter around her throat. "Anything else you need to share with me?"

"No, I told you already. I didn't know. Alistair, please stop," she pleaded.
No, stop please. Please stop.
I froze. God, what the hell am I doing?

"You see, Ocean, I'm not entirely convinced here. Now's the time to tell the truth, this is your last chance."

"Alistair, I am telling the truth!"  I was angry. She'd understood when Christian told me my family was on the way. She may not have known for sure, but she knew. I knew I couldn't trust her, and yet I was starting to anyway. She did things to me that I couldn't explain, and I didn't like it one bit.  My friends had left not too long ago, and I'd immediately turned to her.
"Alistair, let me go."

God, the way she says my name. Her beautiful blue eyes stare into mine and it's as if time is suddenly still, and it's just the two of us. All I wanted was to lay her down and give in to the need to have all of her. But that would be a bad idea and she's injured.
I removed my hand from her skin even though I want nothing more than to roam my hands all over her body.

"I have to go," I said finally.


What the hell?
I know I'd fucked up but when he placed his hand around my throat and squeezed, I was struggling to speak or even breathe. What frightened me most was that I knew he'd do it too. Alistair is perfectly capable of snapping someone's neck in a second, and dropping their body like it's the most inconvenient thing to him.

I didn't exactly know much about his father's plans, just that he wanted revenge and my own family was helping him. Despite their distance, I loved my family, and it made me angry that they let themselves get caught up in this because Alistair won't hesitate to end their lives too. He's probably the most ruthless and careless person I've ever met, not to mention the most hot and cold.
One minute he's cleaning my bandages and kissing me, and the next he's choking the life out of me. If that's not the most gray thing ever, I have no idea what is.

For the past two hours, I've been sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds on TV. He kind of left me stranded, and the farthest I could make it was the kitchen where I found heavenly made brownie chunk ice cream. I don't know where Alistair went or what he was doing, but I can't exactly contact him. Alistair took my phone when he kidnapped me and he doesn't have a house phone.
But what I did find was a record player from the old days. I remember seeing rows of vinyls in his closet upstairs across from perfectly spaced-out suits.

I wouldn't say I'm nosy per se, I'd like to think I'm rather adventurous. That being said... I did something I probably should not have done: went—not snooping—exploring.
I remember when I first got here after leaving the hospital. Alistair disappeared behind a bookshelf in the open living room area. I noticed the dozens of cameras placed within the penthouse, and I'm sure there were more outside of it, but that didn't seem to stop me.

I didn't get a good look at which book let him in exactly, so I kind of winged it. The shelves were dusty, and the books seemed old with worn down spines. He had more upstairs in his room, a mixture of books he likes and the ones he hijacked from my bedroom back home. I found a blue one and pulled it, and to my surprise it worked.
It opened to reveal a very small space that could probably only fit a max of five people—if that. It was incredibly dark, but I found the light switch for it on the wall beside the entrance. The walls were concrete gray, and monitors lined the wall in front of a wooden desk and black chair. The desk had nothing but three computer screens and a keyboard on it. The monitors were all black, so because of my curiosity, I clicked some random buttons.

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