Chapter 12

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I was supposed to take an ACT test today but I skipped it.
Also, it occurred to me I never gave a visual of the others. Above is how Terra, Tessa, Wesley, and Christian look.


"Run!" I heard Castiel's voice as he ran to the door, gun in hand, trying to find Emiliano. "Carina!"

I groaned. My ears were still ringing, and I knew I didn't have long. The smoke was already becoming too much, and fire nearly surrounded me everywhere. I struggled to get up, but I made it to my feet. As I hurried toward the elevator, the floor above caved in. I jumped back but the main exit was blocked off. I wasn't going to make it in time. My chances were slim if I didn't find an exit, otherwise I had to wait for rescue. I spotted a cracked window. From the third floor, odds weren't great but better than dying from smoke inhalation.

"Help. Help!" A low voice grew louder with panic and I tried to see through the smoke and flames. Over by the counter was a person pinned by a piece of the floor above us. I ran over, and began pulling it off of her.

"What's your name?"

"Bexley, but call me Bex."

"All right, Bex. Let's get you out of here. Hold on tight, and just trust me, okay? Everything will be okay."
She nodded, clinging to me with the desperation of staying alive. Through my earpiece I heard the concern of my friends and it only gave me more motivation. I trusted the process, and with the encouragement we both knew wouldn't last long, we jumped. That encouragement slipped into the air and panic set in, but it was too late to turn back.

Screams from below had my heart pounding, and I worried we wouldn't make it. Three stories onto a concrete parking lot, only someone who lacked all sanity would even think of it. Who knew falling felt so long?
The ground smacked reality into me and I gasped. Pain radiated through my body, and Bex grunted from on top of me. She was pulled off, nothing more than some minor bruising. I could feel when my shoulder dislocated. My head seared with pain but I was still alive.

"Carina?! Carina, come on baby, please." I heard Alistair's voice, my vision slowly becoming more clear until I saw his face. He looked as if he had just endured days of torture.

My voice was strained. "Everything... hurts... hospital."
I couldn't try and speak more, he lifted me into his arms and begun carrying me. The building crumbled, the large fire warming my shaking body.

The ambulance transported me to the hospital, and the doctors gave me morphine before putting my shoulder back in place. I shouted words that would make even the devil jealous. At some point, I passed out.
When I woke, my arm was in a sling tight against my torso. Alistair sat in a chair by my bed, sleeping. I didn't wake him up.

The door opened, and to my surprise, Castiel walked in.

"Well, when did hell freeze over?" He put his hands in his pockets, and I noted the guilt on his face. For once he was actually showing emotion. What was he guilty for though?

He chuckled softly, "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Could've been worse. I see you got out safely. Emiliano?"

"Dead. Your brothers helped."

"Are they okay?"

He nodded. "Got out without a scratch. They're outside, they wanted me to come in and deliver the news to you."

"I appreciate that, but why? You hate me."

His expression was haunted. "I regret it. I didn't expect Wolfe to take such a liking to you. I have one job and one job only, Carina, and that is to kill. I don't take prisoners, but I worked with Wolfe and did as he asked. And now, he's fallen in love with you."
He looked, almost, sad as he glanced at Alistair.

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